Chapter 5

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The video has no significance to this chapter. But it's just a great video I saw and thought anyone could love it. The song is Give Us A Little Love by Fallulah. It's really good. Thanks... And if you for some reason can't watch it. Look up 'teen titans give us a little love' on YouTube.

Beast Boy had the privilege of taking Raven to the extra room they had after a long day of fighting the little crime there was and after an extreme game of Stankball with Cyborg.

"So what's your superhero story?" Beast Boy asked casually.

"There's not much. I wouldn't even call myself that. I'm just trying to help and take Deathstroke down."

"Okay. Well, then, what's your almost-like-a-superhero story?"

Raven gave a low, rich chuckle that was almost seductive but also out of full of humor. "Well, I'm the daughter of an inter-galatic demon lord and of a human. I wasn't raised by either, I was mostly raised by the monks of Azarath. They taught me how control and suppress my powers. And mostly told me to never feel any emotion or I would destroy the world."

Beast Boy looked at her with some sympathy. She was told to never feel anything for anyone. he realized. She could never love. "That's... bad. I don't think I could hide my emotions like you do."

"Well, I had eleven years of training, before Arella told me it was too dangerous for me to stay. But I knew she meant it was to dangerous for them for me to stay. So they sent me here and the well, the Joker and all."

"Well, now you have us." Beast Boy said hoping she would agree. That she trusted them.

"I guess, I do. Thanks a lot, Beast Boy."

As she said his name for the first time, Beast Boy felt so alive. Her voice was monotoned and held no emotion, but at the same time it was seductive and suggestive. Almost like she was teasing him.

Raven, almost like she sensed what he was thinking, said, "Sorry about my voice. As a demon offspring, I'm supposed to seduce men to their deaths. But at the same time, I'm trying not to show emotions."

"It's fine. I just don't know whether you're hitting on me or not." Beast Boy grinned.

Raven gave another of her rich chuckles, "You know, you're kind of funny."

"What made you think I wasn't?"

"Well, when you told a joke on the way over here, everyone felt a little annoyed, except Starfire. She was slightly confused."

"You felt their annoyance?"

"Being an empath, It's pretty hard to miss them."

"Wow, you're pretty powerful."

"I guess it's just a advantage of being a demon spawn." Raven shrugged as if to show she didn't mind or care.

As they started to get near the guest room, Beast Boy stopped, "Hey, I wanna show you something. Come on." He grabbed her wrist and began to pull her towards the stairs that went up. She followed with no argument and was curious to see where she was being pulled to.

He made it to a door and said, "Ready to see Jump City in all it's glory?"

"Why not." Raven responded.

Beast Boy slowly opened the door and then stepped outside to let Raven out. He put his arms out dramatically, "Ta-da!"

Raven stepped out onto the roof and stared at the setting sun. She looked over the city and found breathtaking. The water surrounding the island was glistening a deep blue, the waves crashed down onto the shore and the wind blew through her hair. "It's beautiful."

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