Chapter 8

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Raven was awoken by Jericho who was shaking her slightly. She slowly opened her eyes and looked at him, "What?"

It's almost six thirty. Didn't you say you'd have to leave for your place?

Raven looked over at the clock: six ten, she still had twenty minutes. She groaned, "Ugh, five more minutes."

In her head she could hear Jericho's laughter, Do I have to get you out of bed?

Raven looked at him conspicuously. "What are you thinking, Joey?"

He simply grinned at her, Oh, nothing, Rae.

She continued time give him that look, she knew he was up to something. It was only a matter of time before he acted upon it.

He sat up and reached for his shirr and put it on quickly. Then he got off the bed and turned towards Raven. You still not gonna get up?

Raven smiled mischievously, "Nope."

Alright then. Jericho smiled and then he lunged at her. She backed away,but not quick enough. He grabbed her waist and slung her over his shoulder.

"Joey, put me down!" Raven commanded.

Told ya I'll get you out of bed.

"Technically, you asked if you had to get me out of bed. Totally different." Raven grinned.

Jericho rolled his eyes and then marched over to the bathroom. He set her down and pointed to the sink where a toothbrush and toothpaste laid.

"Aren't they yours?" Raven questioned.

You can use them. Not like you haven't before.

It was Raven's turn to roll her eyes. She quickly brush her teeth and then found a comb she could use to tame her bed hair. Jericho had started to brush his teeth as well. By then ten minutes have passed.

Only ten minutes left. Jericho frowned and kissed her. She responded with her own kiss. I'm so glad we saw each other again.

"Me too, Joey." Raven said and kissed his forehead.

For the next eight minutes they simply sat together and didn't say a word. They simply enjoyed each others company.


It was six twenty-nine and Beast Boy was just waiting for it to be six thirty. All night, he's been hoping nothing too serious happened between Jericho and Raven. It was all he could do.

Finally the clock ticked meaning it was six thirty. He glanced in every direction, as did the Titans behind him. They also wanted to know if Raven had been taken.

The portal opened and then entered Raven with Jericho. They were holding hands. Raven noticed all her teammates staring at her, she turned to Jericho, "You should go, Joey. See ya later."

Jericho nodded and then kissed her. On the lips. Right in front of everybody. Right in front of Beast Boy.

Beast Boy felt his heart be ripped out of his chest and be crushed by that. Guess it was too much to hope for...

Jericho left after a last hug and then Raven stared back at her teammates who were still staring, except Beast Boy. "What? Do I have something on my face?" She questioned.

"Are you sure it is wise to date him?" Starfire asked. "What if other people were the interested?"

"Starfire, it's my decision who I want to be with. Joey and I have known each other for a very long time and he always took care of me when I was in the hands of Slade."

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