Chapter 7

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BBRae lovers, you're all going to hate me for a few of the next chapters. I'm so sorry, guys.

It's been six months and Raven was happy being with the Titans. Beast Boy's jokes have been going on more frequently, but Raven felt as if under all that cheeriness, maybe he was hiding sadness.

Today was a normal day. Not many villains had ventured out and the Titans were just swell with that. Meant more relaxing for most and for Robin, more time for training. He was always so focused and intent.

Beast Boy, Cyborg, and Raven were o the couch, Raven reading as usual and Beast Boy and Cyborg playing a video game.

"Ooo! Ooo! You ain't gonna pass me! You ain't gonna pass me! You passed me!" Cyborg shouted with disbelief.

Beast Boy had a smug smile on his lips. "Shows what you did to yourself."

"I still got time! I'm gonna pass ya! I'm gonna pass ya!"

Raven gave them an annoyed look which neither acknowledged. She rolled her eyes and kept on reading her novel. Currently she was in the ninth book of the Women's Murder Club by James Patterson. She was at the good part where Cindy was questioning Rich's interest in Lindsay, he—

Just then a portal appeared in front of them and they all got in defensive poses. The game showed as the two cars crashed and Cyborg's exploded.

"Hey, no need for that. I'm just here with a surprise." Herald said putting his hands up.

"Goddamn it, Herald. You scared us." Cyborg said. "And you made me lose." He added after he saw his car in flames.

"Where's boy wonder?" Herald said.

"Oh, you're here. What's the problem?" Robin asked as he entered the Commons area.

"Joey?" Raven asked all of the sudden.

Jericho stepped out of the portal and smiled widely when he saw Raven. He and she ran up to each other and hugged tightly.

Beast Boy felt jealously course through him. Don't even start to get mad.

Raven pulled away and laughed, "I've been better. What about you?"

"Uh, Raven, Jericho's mute." Beast Boy said.

"Yeah, I know. But we're connected, I hear him in my head." Raven explained. Then she looked back to Jericho and laughed shortly, "I'm so glad you're okay. It's been too long, Joey."

Jericho nodded and hugged her a second time. Raven returned the hug as well.

Then Jericho pulled away swiftly, a worried expression crossed his face.

Raven answered his unheard question, "I escaped. But even though I escaped, he is still after me. And now he's after Robin as well."

Jericho nodded. Then he gave Raven a 'sorry' look.

"The burns are gone. Don't worry. I'm fine, Joey." Raven smiled.

"Uh, sorry to interrupt the love fest, but would you two kindly tell me what was your purpose to coming here? Not that I don't like it, but there must've been a reason."

"Right, Jericho, wanna tell them. Or write it down." Herald said.

Jericho nodded and looked at Raven, looking like he was asking permission. Raven nodded. Then they stared into each others eyes and Jericho took over her body.

"Whoa, what the hell, dude? You can't just take over someone's body." Beast Boy said as he saw Raven's, normally amethyst eyes turn green.

"Raven gave me permission. I would never take over her body with her consent. She's a very close friend, in fact, she's the one that gave me this power." Jericho said, it was strange to the others not hearing Raven's usual monotone, seductive voice.

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