Chapter 14: The War Begins!

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~2 Years Later~

The Titans have grown in these past two years. Starfire and Robin united their love and have officially become a couple for an entire year now. Cyborg has been seeing Sarah for a couple of months now, and Raven and Jericho were still the happy couple they've been for the last two years. Beast Boy was the only person in the Tower with nobody to love or hold. So all he did was joke around about relationships now. And how he was the only free spirit in the house. This earned glares from Robin and Cyborg, who both strongly disagreed with what he said. They were total head over heels for their girlfriends. Raven would only roll her eyes, and Starfire would eventually throw a pillow, the control, a pan, a plant pot, the TV... at him for making such assumptions.

"Friend? Would you and the Jericho like to join Robin and I on a double date?" Starfire asked Raven excitingly as the others just tried to ignore the girl's talk. 

Cyborg nudged Robin, "You and Star wanna go on a double date with Raven and Jericho?"

"I wasn't really aware of any date for tonight, but I guess I am now." Robin admitted quietly.

"Sorry, Starfire. I can't go. I have something to do. That being said, I have to go somewhere. Uh, Robin, I may be gone for a couple of days." Raven dismissed the idea.

"Uh, what do you have to do?" Robin asked his comrade.

"It's kind of personal. I would rather you not know. It's just a promise I made." Raven stated with a saddened expression on her face.

The others noticed her facial expression and Robin instantly stopped questioning her, "Yeah, sure. Take all the time you need, Raven. Just check in a few times so we know you're okay."

"Yeah, I will." Raven looked over to the clock and her eyes widened, "Uh, I have to go now. Uh, I'll see you all in a few days." And with that, Raven left the room and went to her room.

"What do you think is the matter with our friend?" Starfire asked.

"I don't know, Star. But we have to leave her be on this one. It must be a sad memory." Robin told her gently.

Starfire nodded, understanding.

"Hmm, it was so strange seeing Raven actually sad." Cyborg commented.

"Hey, she's half-human. Humans, full or not, we feel emotions whether we like it or not." Beast Boy said.

Everyone nodded, agreeing with him. "Anyways, let's just let Raven do what she has to do, and then we'll do what we always do."

And with that, Starfire went to the kitchen, starting to cook a Tamaranian dish, Robin, Cyborg, and Beast Boy all took turns playing video games.


An hour passed before Raven reached her location. She looked up at the tall house, and touched the building hesitantly. So this is where Mother grew up?

She had a few things that belonged to her mother, things she had promised to Arella to put back to there rightful places in this houses. Being in Gotham brought back many unpleasant memories, but she had promised to her mother that she would do this someday. And Raven had decided that today was the day she do it. Luckily, no one occupied the house, it was empty. Raven went through the door and stared at the interior. It wasn't as beautiful as she had thought it would be. In fact, it was kind of run down, nothing like the house she lived in in Azarath. The floors creaked whenever Raven stepped on them. There were a few carpet stains, and the stairs seemed unsafe for house play. Raven made her way upstairs, towards Arella's old room. 

The door, to Arella's room, was decorated with 'Keep Out' or 'Enter If You Want To Die', it also had Arella's original name etched into it with what seemed like a knife, "Angela..." Raven opened the door, causing it to creak very loudly, the knob itself was very stiff. When she looked inside, she finally knew where her dark likes came from. 

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