Chapter 10

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Raven once again gave Beast Boy the death glare. Ever since she had replaced the bandage with an eye patch, he's been making pirate references. He even turned into a parrot and was on her shoulder for a while, before she finally smacked him away. "Beast Boy, if you don't stop I'll send you to the deepest pit of the most deadliest dimension where you'll never see the sun again."

Beast Boy whimpered softly and then grumbled as he sat down beside her, with his arms crossed.

Cyborg chuckled beside him, and then took a giant bite of a slice of pizza. "So, Raven, how're the seas these days, matey?"

Raven sighed deeply, and then stood up, and walked towards the huge windows looking over Jump. She levitated and crossed her legs, getting ready to meditate and shut out the annoying sounds of her teammates.

Robin noticed Raven getting annoyed by Beast Boy and Cyborg. He went over and looked out the window, "You know, they're not always like that."

"Maybe, but most of the time, they are exactly like this. Which makes it hard to take them serious when they try to be."

Robin nodded, "Yeah, but you haven't seen them be serious yet, just wait, they'll get serious and over your eye problem."

"If only that happened sooner than later." Raven said glancing back to the two goofy friends.

"Well, they've always been this way. Goofing off and being playful is just part of who they are. You'll get use to it sooner or later. Hopefully at least."

Raven nodded and then sighed. They stayed quiet for a while, because with them, that's all they needed. They didn't have to say a word and Robin knew she was thanking him silently. It's just how they worked as friends. They could be in one room, alone, and they would understand what to do without saying a word.

"So, have you told Starfire yet?" Raven whispered.

Robin blushed profusely and stuttered, "Uh, see, well there was the...uh...Plasmas and Cinderblock... fighting crime...No time. Uh, no."

"Okay, just try to tell her soon. I know that you're nervous and afraid of rejection, but it's better to get it out there than regret not telling her."

"Yeah, well, how did you and Jericho get together so fast?"

Raven blushed thinking back to that day, "Uh, that's kind of private. Make your own story with Starfire."

"Holy crap, did that make you blush?" Robin asked looking over at her.

"No. I don't do blushing." Raven scowled.

Robin chuckled, "Yeah, right. I saw it."

"You saw nothing, bird boy."

Robin chuckled again, "C'mon, I wanna show you something."

"What exactly?"

"Just a place you can escape to if you want to be alone, but still be able to hear the crime alert."

Raven took this in consideration, "As long as I can get away from those two brats." Raven agreed and planted her feet on the ground.

Robin led her away from them and took her to the very rear bottom of the tower.

"The basement?"

"Well, yeah. It's quiet, no one really ever comes down here, and you can hear the crime alert perfectly." Robin said sitting on one of the steps.

"I like it. Thanks." Raven gave a genuine smile.

Robin released a huge breath of air, "I thought you were hating the idea. You know with your sarcastic tone and everything."

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