Chapter 22: Starfire & Beast Boy Vs Terra

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Starfire pushed Terra aside to deter her from going after Raven and Jericho. She saw Beast Boy join in after a while. Terra could probably be the most dangerous. Not having control of her powers and being very panicky at most times, her control over the Earth was just begging for trouble.

Beast Boy for the most part only supported Starfire whenever she needed it. Like if, Starfire was thrown down by a chunk of rock, Beast Boy would move in and not allow Terra to get another hit in. Whenever Starfire was up, he would move out of the way to not get hit by Starfire's powerful starbolts. It was sort of like a tag team for them.

Terra focused solely on getting rid of these distractions so she could help Deathstroke and Joker. She was aware of Robin's fight with Harley and Cyborg's with Ravager. She could feel them through the Earth. She tried to help a bit, but Starfire and Beast Boy kept on averting her concentration on them. So she shot bullet like pebbles at them. Smashed huge boulders on them. But they avoided it all expertly. Terra was beginning to grow more and more irritated by the second.

She summoned a rock and twirled it above her head to allow the heavy piece of Earth gain more speed. She then threw it towards the flying alien princess. Starfire shattered the rock with her starbolt, and then she flew towards the geomancer, and lifted her off the ground and landed a blow on her that sent her crashing to the ground.

Beast Boy gave Starfire a high five, thinking the fight was over, but then a rock smashed Starfire from above.

Beast Boy looked over and saw Terra standing weakly, her focus on him now. Beast Boy transformed into cheetah and pushed her down and scratched at her weakly.

She fought with him, trying to push him off her, but he was too heavy for her in this cheetah form. She was physically weak, but moving Earth was no problem for her. She's never had to fight hand to hand. And it seemed that with Beast Boy, it would have to be that way. She wanted to avoid any confrontation with him or Robin, even Cyborg. Starfire and Raven relied on their powers, just like her. But she was well aware that they would fight hand to hand if that was the only option. 

Beast Boy sneaked a look over to Starfire, and found her gone. He was panicking for a moment, and that moment gave Terra an opportunity to kick him off. Beast Boy looked at her agitated. But unluckily, Terra forced him back with a boulder.

Terra looked around, and saw Starfire looking over a piece of machinery. Through the ground, she found that Harley had been knocked off of Robin, just when she had been so close to defeating him. Terra sneered and slung a rock at her, it hit her, and her focus came back to her current fight.

"Don't you dare ignore me!" Terra shouted, throwing numerous pieces of gravel at her.

Starfire dodged and blasted the rocks away as she made her way towards Terra. When Raven had been filling them on with valuable information about their current enemies, she had made it quite clear that physical combat was Terra's ultimate weakness. Not only was she weak, she had refused many times before to Deathstroke's and Ravager's urges about her training. After a while, they gave up on her and allowed her to continue fighting her way. And if physical combat was something Starfire had to do to win, and get to helping Raven as soon as possible, she would do so gladly. Not only did she have super strength, Galfore had accepted to train her whenever he was looking after her when she was a kid. So she, of course, had the advantage in any scenario involving fighting Terra.

Terra was stepping back, she had the feeling that Starfire was making her way towards her, for some one on one with her. Terra knew she would lose if she got any closer. Terra quickly made the water underneath the ground mix with the ground, making mud. She sent the mud flying into Starfire's face. Making her blind. Starfire fell, falling into the pit of mud.

She instantaneously emerged, spitting mud out and shaking away the mud from her hands to wipe her face from the watered dirt. She flew up, and spun in a circle, attempting to remove all the mud from her body.

Terra hardened the remaining mud on Starfire's body, squeezing Starfire in the process. Starfire used her super strength to break free from the encasement. She then flew down towards Terra and with all her strength, delivered one swift punch.

Terra was sent soaring through the air, no grace was involved. She landed far away, and didn't appear to get up.

"Well. You blew her away." Beast Boy said, trying to contain his laughter from his own joke.

"But I simply punched her, Beast Boy." Starfire stated, not exactly getting his joke.

"I should've told it to Raven or Robin." Beast Boy sighed.

"We should go see if the Cyborg or Robin need our of assistance." Starfire said as she looked at the direction where Robin had been in his heated battle with Harley Quinn.

"Yeah, you go Robin, I'll go with Cy. If they're both finished or have it under control, we should go and help Raven and Jericho. They're fighting the super baddies." 

"Correct! Let us go!"

Starfire met up with Robin fairly quickly. He was panting like a dog on the dog. Frantic about his condition, Starfire rushed to him and slightly shook his shoulder. She was relieved when he looked up at her. "Oh, thank X-Hal! I had thought you were gone." She proceeded to squeeze him in her forceful hug.

Robin chuckled slight, "Nah, just a little tired. Where's Beast Boy?"

"He went to see if friend Cyborg needed the help. Will you be able to stand again to help friend Raven and Jericho?"

"Yeah, just give me a moment."

Starfire nodded and sat next to him, silence taking over as she waited patiently for him to regain his strength.

Meanwhile, Beast Boy met up with Cyborg and put his defenses up when he saw Ravager still up. But something was off. "What's going on here?"

"Well, this little gal isn't as bad as she seems. She realized that she doesn't want to be controlled by her father any longer, so she's joining us." Cyborg answered, sounding like a proud father.

Beast Boy was dumbfounded by the revelation. "What?" He shouted. "You can't serious right now."

"He is being serious." Ravager spoke up, standing and facing Beast Boy head on. "I no longer have any reason to fight you. I won't stand by my father anymore."

Beast Boy didn't even have to look at her to know how serious she was being. Her voice, it held no room for argument, and it was her own resolve. She chose this for herself. She wanted this for herself. 

He gave her wide smile and went to stand right in front of her. He offered his hand to her, which caused her some hesitation, but she took it anyways. "Welcome to the Teen Titans, Ravag-"

"Rose," she corrected him swiftly, "Call me Rose."

His smile got bigger, if that was even possible, "Welcome to the Teen Titans, Rose."

They shook hands, and Rose gave him a small smile to thank him for his approval.

"Anyways, we should, uh, get to Star and Rob. We gotta go help Raven and Jericho." Beast Boy informed them as he was suddenly entranced by Rose's blue eyes.

"Yeah, so c'mon, you lovebirds!" Cyborg teased the two slightly blushing teens. 

"Argh! C'mon, Cy! Don't tease like that!" Beast Boy yelled at his best friend, as he took his hand back from Rose and stalked over to his mechanical buddy.

"It's just a joke. Don't take it seriously!" Cyborg yelled back to him.

"It's not funny, man!"

As they met with Starfire and Robin, who had recovered enough to fight, they explained Rose's situation, swearing on their lives that she was harmless. Robin sultry agreed, but warned her if she did anything to his team, she would pay for the crime.

"Alright! I get it, man! Shouldn't we go and help Raven and her boyfriend. They won't be able to handle my father and the Joker alone." Rose said as she started towards the way they saw the four fly to.

Hang on. Jericho. Raven!

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Nov 02, 2016 ⏰

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