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so, this is my first 'book' i never really wrote something for others so i hope you guys like it. it's mostly about how i think about life, it's my opinion. i'm from Holland btw so my english isn't that good haha but i didn't want to write in dutch so yea. btw the line of the story is pretty much the same exept not Nora's dad got shot but her mom. i'm really insecure about my book and stuff so please tell me what i could do better and stuff. much love.

i open my eyes and see the beauty of this world. I see the trees, the sunset and the lake. It's this place that is love the most. i used to come here with my mom, my sweet, caring and intelligent mom, but she died. she died on my 11th birthday, she forget to pick up my cake. i remember that i cried because i wanted that stupid cake, i yelled, i screamed until she said that she would pick it up. and then she got shot, it's all my fault, it's all my fault.

every time i come here i see her face, i hear her voice, i feel her love. and after 4 years i still haven't forgiven myself that i yelled at her. she did everything for me, she showed me what love is, she showed me how to forgive and forget all the stupid mistakes people make. i love her, i love her so much that i still cry myself to sleep every day. but today, i'm moving on, i have to forgive myself, i have to smile and laugh, i have to live. for her.

i fell for you. [on hold]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora