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i woke up to my ringtone, i search for my phone and see that Vee is calling. i hate it when she calls me before 9 am. but you know, she's my best friend so i'm used to it. i answer the phone and hear Vee's voice.

'Nora wtf took you so long to answer me?!'
'Vee calm down, i was sleeping.'
'Oh okay, so i was thinking maybe we could go shopping today, i need new shoes.'
'You just got new shoes, and i have homework and stuff, i'm sorry Vee but maybe tomorrow?'
'Ugh you and your homework, you're such a nerd, you know that right? but whatever honey, i love you bye.'
'Bye Vee, love you.'

And that's how my morning started, i decided to go out of bed because i can't sleep any ways, i walked down stairs and got something to eat. I was so tired that i didn't even noticed that my dad was sitting on the couch. I didn't really wanted to talk to him right now, not that i was mad or something but i just don't have the energy for it.

i walked back up stair and said to myself that a shower would be perfect right now, so that's what i'm going to do. i grab some clothes and walked to the bathroom. i was waiting for my shower to get warm while i heard my dad call me. i just ignored it and stepped into the cabin. the water was a little to hot so it burned but after a minute i got used to it and it felt great. i cleared my mind and washed my hair. when i was done i turned the shower of and put my clothes on.

when i first met Vee i was jealous of her, she was curved and really sexy. she had blonde hair and blue eyes and she was just beautiful. me on the other hand was the contrary. i had curling frizzy brown hair, brown eyes and i was skinny. the only positive thing about me are my long skinny legs. sometimes it made me really insecure walking next to her but then i realized that she is my best friend and i shouldn't be jealous.

i just wanted to start with my homework when my dad knocked on the door.
'yes?' i asked him
'Nora, i need to tell you something okay?'
'yea sure, what's up?'
'i met a women and we've known each other for a while now so i asked her so move in with us. she's coming in 3 hours to bring her stuff, so i want to ask if you can be nice to her because i really like her, you know?'

i stared at him with my mouth open, he can't do this right? he can't just tell me that he met someone and that she's moving in with us. this is my home, this is my place, and now some women who i've never met is moving in? no way, no freaking way.

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