ch 9

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i didn't really sleep all night, i couldn't stop thinking about everything that happend since i met Patch. it was weird to see how a guy can change your whole mood, your whole day and even your whole life. he already made me a different person than I was 3 months ago. I didn't study as hard as i used to since he was my biology partner. the way his eyes scanned my body already made me feel like i was drowning. the way he watched me, how he seems to see inside me without really knowing who i am.

at seven fifteen we went outside to get in the car. it was chilly but not cold, it was really foggy tho. we drove straight to Enzo's Bistro. as i said before, we always do that. warm milk in the best cafeteria of town. it was always fun there, the people here are always nice -unless your name is Marcie-

Vee almost ran towards our table, we always sat by the window in the corner of the cafeteria. as soon as Vee sat her eyes widened and she gasped for breath. she looked at me with big fishy eyes, still trying to figure out how to breath. she closed her mouth and opened it again trying to say something but she couldn't find the words.

i turned around to see what she was so surprised about and immediately saw the two boys sitting there. i looked and her and she nodded her had and her face just lightened up. she already looked in love.

i sigh and laughed slightly, typical Vee. she always falls in love with the looks of someone, see never really sees him but she just sees the body. she doesn't love skin-deep, don't get me wrong, she's really sweet and a really good friend but when it comes to guys she doesn't really see through his looks.

'O MY GOD!' she tried to whisper but failed, hard. 'he looks at you, he's totally checking you out. his eyes are scanning your legs and his mouth is defiantly dropping.'

'oh no, he's coming towards he, he'll be here in 3, 2, 1.' she whispered quietly, it seemed like she finally figured out how whispering works.

not even a second later the 'green sweater' boy as Vee called him grabbed a chair and sat in font of me.

'hello' he said confident but still low pleasant.

he had amazing blue eyes, just like the ocean. his hair was stylishly shaggy blond and it was swept across his forehead. his fingers were hooked in the pockets of his washed blue jeans.

'hello yourself, i'm Vee and this lady here is Nora Grey.'

i gave her a look, why the hell does she use my last name?! how stupid can you be?! god dammit. she's so annoying at sometimes, right now i'm mad at her for her selfishness.

i brought my cup to my lips and i immediately burned my tongue. i put my cup down on the table and shook my head slightly. Mr green sweater looked at me with his head slightly oblique, he looked interested and it made me nervous.

he didn't stopped looking at me and i was at the point were you just make a sarcastic remark but he was holding his hand out and said; 'well Nora Grey, i'm Elliot Saunders, and this guy here is my friend James.'

James muttered something while Elliot jerked his chin towards him, while he was standing there Vee's eyes widened at her mouth dropped.

dracula's spawn, as Vee called him while she was talking to me earlier sat beside her on a large chair which looked made for gnomes as soon as he sat down.

'wow, you're like the tallest guy i've ever seen, no serious, how tall are you?' she smiled flirty at him.

he sigh, 'six foot ten.' he muttered.

'can i get you lady's something?' Elliot asked.

'i already ordered.' i said harshly.

Vee kicked me hard under the table and immediately said; 'she'll like to have a vanilla-cream-filled donut.'

i looked at her with a grin 'fruit diet, huh?'

'ugh, huh yourself darling. vanilla is a fruit, a brown fruit.'

'it's not, it's a legume.'

'you're sure about that?'

i wasn't sure about it so i shut my mouth and just sigh.

i looked at James and saw he closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. he looked just as interested as i was. while Elliot walked to the front corner, i checked him out. he was defiantly in high school, he was tall and you could see that he worked out. i had to admit that he was gorgeous. if i wasn't feeling so shaken, i'd defiantly be interested. in friendship or maybe even more.

'where do you go to school?' Ver asked turning her attention towards James fully.

'kinghorn prep.'

'mmhm, i don't think i've ever heard of it.' Vee said deeply in thought.

'private school, portland.' he said uninterested.

Elliot walked back and gave us the donuts.

'i don't know Coldwater High cafeteria is like so i take four for myself.' he smiled gently.

'you go to CHS?' Vee said widening her eyes again.

'yea, since today.' he replied

i clapped my hands once and took a deep breath; 'okay, i don't want to be rude but you know, i have a biology test coming soon so we have to go.' as i said i immediately stood up and grabbed Vee's hand.

'but that test isn't until friday.'

'so what? we have to go.' i said harshly as hell, i was done with acting politely.

i dragged Vee with we towards the car and we drove to school in quiet. the whole ride i looked outside, i saw the trees rushing by and thought about last night again. i couldn't get my mind straight, every time i thought of it got blurrier and blurrier. it sucks so much not knowing what happened. i swear i felt his nails, i saw him knocking against the window, i saw the glass breaking.

guess who's back, back again. i hate the new wattpad update, every time i save the chap it disappears for 1/2, it's annoying as fuck. much loveeee.

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