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Vee and i walked late out of the theater. the sky turned into a deep ocean blue, it was beautiful but cold. we walked a little faster than usual to the car. we just went to see the sacrife, it wasn't because we wanted to but because it's sort of our job. we worked for the eZine, an online blog. we had to review this movie, so we decided to watch it tonight.

by the time we opened Vee's 1995 Dodge neon the sky turned even darker. Vee talked about the movie the whole ride. i cut her off by saying that i still had to do my review and it had to be done before midnight. it wasn't even a lie, i just didn't want to talk about the movie, specially not while there was someone that watched me while i was sleeping. who knows how long he has been there or how many times. i shuddered by just the thought of it.

the drive to the libary felt like a lifetime. Vee was only talking about how awfully thouchy i am the last couple days. she kept asking why and first i just murmered something but you know Vee, she keeps asking until she get the real reason. i looked at her from the corner of my eyes and saw that she was focussing on the road that was ahead of us.

i sigh, turning my head towards her, completely this time. 'Nora i can see that somethings bothering you okay? as your best friend, i'm worried. you're my un-twin and i never had a friendship like this with anyone else and i never will, you know? whatever it is, you can tell me. no secrets remember?' she said, her eyebrows furrowed. her blue eyes were a little glassy, they always are actually. they were that ocean kind of blue, that kind of all girls wanted.

i sigh again which i've done way to often these past days. it began when i met him, when i really looked into his deep black eyes. they were like big pools and you just wanted to drown in them. they seemed to look right throw you, deeply into your soul but those gorgeous big black eyes didn't release any of his thoughts. he was misterious, so interesting and beautiful.

'it's Patch' i spoke softly.

she looked at me this time. 'seriously? that's it? it's jst your hot new biology partner?' she started laughing.

'Vee i'm serious, he really bothers me. i thought that you would understand. since i met him i have this feeling like i'm being watched all the time, which is true cause last night i woke up and there was someone on my balcony. he knows things about me that i never told anyone before exept you. he's driving me crazy. i keep telling myself that it's him, that he is just an idiot, that he is just sick. the matter is that it doesn't work anymore, the first days that i told myself that he's just sick, i believed it but right now i'm starting to think that i am. maybe it's been me all the time. he drives me absolutely insane and i can't even get my mind clear.'

'Nora, first you're not crazy but i also don't think he is. okay he knows things about you but what does that really say? and about that being watched feeling thing, how sure are you that there was someone looking at you? maybe you just imagined it.'

'you don't believe me, of all the people i know, i thought you would believe me.'

'i do believe you, i really do but i just think that you're overreacting. besides that Patch is really good-looking.'

i looked at her, mad. that's all she thinks about when it comes to boys. she doesn't see how he treats me, how he responses on everything i say. he dares me and it's annoying but i have to admit that he is right: i'm scared of the things i can't control and it hurts realizing that.

by the time we arrived the library i thought to much about Patch, i have to admit that his lips look irresistable and it's damn hard to control myself whenever i look at him. it's damn hard to not give myself all to him because at some moments i really want to, i want his arms around my waist, i want his lips on mine and out vingers intertwined. i want him so badly at some moments.

i opened my laptop and started to review the sacrifice, i gave it a two and a half. maybe it was a little low but i wasn't in the mood to give it a good review to be honest. i was almost finished with the review whrn Marcie Millar walked in. it was Vee and my enemy, we both hated her since we were 5 or something like that, i can't even remember how old we were. Marcie started it, she hated us for no reason.

'hi, supersize.' she said to Vee.

'hi, freakshow.'

that always happens and it is annoying as hell, Marcie's mom manages the local JGPenny. it's a modelshow thing. i don't what is exactly is because i don't care about that stuff. Marcie and the other cheerleaders do a lingerie show on the weekends.

i searched somethings on my laptop and waited until Vee was done and ready to go. while i was reading an interesting article when Vee coughed extremely loud, waiting for me to look at her, when i finally did she just nodded in the direction of the check in line. that's where i saw him again, Patch. i got chills all over my back. exactly when i looked at him he turned his head and we had eye contact for a couple seconds, i could see him smile before i quickly looked away.

'i'm trying to read the title of the book he's holding, o my god. oh my god, it's how to be a stalker.' she started laughing

'ha ha very funny.' i said sarcastically.

'isn't it a little to coincidence that he's here at the same time as you are? i think he's following you.'

'i don't, let's just go.' i lied, i do think that he follows me, the library doesn't even come in the top 50 of places i expect Patch to be. i'm curious, i wanna know what he does here. this really isn't a place for him.

'you know what i think?' before i could even open my mouth to answer that question she continued. 'i think he has a history, it's probably in his student file. i'm good at deversions. i could do that while you sneek in and get his file.'

'Vee, we're really not going to do that.'

she tried to look sad, 'aww come on Nora, this could be so much fun! live a little.'

'Vee, no. i don't even know his last name or anything else about him and i would like to keep it that way. and now let's go. i wanna go home.'

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