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15 minutes later i knocked on Vee's door, we talked about Dabria and my dad and decided to go to sleep right after. tomorrow was monday again which means school. school school school and oh yea school. just the thought of school was already exhausting.

at 7:30 AM we were riding to enzo's for warm milk as breakfast. that's our ritual, everytime we go to school together we take breakfast there. this morning there were so many people that we had to wait for 10 minutes to order. i hate waiting long for things because i'm not patient at all. i always want things to happen right now not three days later or something, that's one of my vices. i know it's a bad thing and stuff and it probably annoyings everyone around me but everyone has something they don't like about themselves, right?

this schoolyear already started really bad because Vee and i didn't had any classes together except biology, which i really didn't like. i missed Vee in all the classes, we always sat together and talked non-stop. i feel better with her by my side, i feel confident. she always knows what to say which is a good feature of her.

Vee took me back from my thoughts by talking to me, she was talking about shopping in Portland this afternoon. i just nod and looked back outside, i wasn't really in a 'talking-mood'. i'm more the quiet type, Vee on the otherhand talks non-stop. she's my un-twin, we didn't look like each other at all but we were friends since we were like baby's. our theory is that it's faith, we didn't really believe in faith but it's for sure that we are bonded before we were even born.

when i looked at the clock i realized that i was thinking for a really long time and that we were getting late. so i said to Vee that we should go, she agreed so we paid our milk and ran to the car. it was really cold and it was raining, welcome to Coldwater. i sigh and looked at the trees that were coming by, Vee knows the word rate but never heard of a limit which probably says enough. she drove so fast that it only took 10 minutes to arrive. i looked at the building and just wanted to cry, this was going to be a really long day.

we ran to our lockers to get the books for the coming hours and were heading to biology when we heard Marcie talk to her stupid fake friends, Marcie Millar, the most popular girl of our school, so ugly that she needs 6 pound of make up on her face. she was so fake and annoying that i just want to puke my eyeballs out. her dad was the car dealer of this town and had so much money that he probably swims in it, it annoys me, they have everything but it's still not enough for them. they want more and more and they can't help others, they are so selfish that you just want to rip your heart out and give it to them.

we walked into biology and i just froze, on the board there was a barbie doll with Ken all naked, above their heads stood: WELCOME TO HUMAN REPRODUCTION (SEX). Vee just started laughing and said: 'this class isn't going to teach me anything i don't already know' i looked at her and said back: 'the last time i checked you were still a virgin.' 'sssht shut up Nora' and we started laughing.

the bell rang and coach McConaughy walked into the classroom.

'so class today we're going to talk about human reproduction as you can see but first you all know the person next to you, if you didn't you probably wouldn't picked those seats. so all of you on the left-hand move to the back. these will be your seats for the rest of this year. no complaining.'

'what the hell. you can't do this, you can't just give us other seats, what the hell do you think? this is unfair! this semester is almost over, you can't do this!' Vee complained

'i can pull this stuff to the last day of this semester if i want, now grab your stuff and move.'

i bit my lip, waving Vee goodbye, i looked around. i knew all my classmates except one. the transfer. he had black hair, black eyes and was wearing all black. he sat one table back, it kinda freaked me out. i had to sit next to him for the rest of this year. he slid into Vee's chair and just stared. he didn't seem talking so i decided to start the conversation. 'hi, i'm Nora' i smiled at him. he looked at me and stared into my eyes before the corners of his mouth tilted up, it was a smile but not a friendly one. it was that kind of smile that said 'i know who you are, i know all your dirty little secrets.'

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