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(patch's thoughts)
She is the most beautiful creature i've ever seen. Not even an angel can compare to what she looks like, her gorgeous brown eyes and her red hair are the things i immediatly fell in love with.

But i can't, i can't let my love for her take over control. I need to finish what i started, i need to be human and for that, i have to sacrifice her. I need her to trust me so i can break that trust by killing her. This is the thing i fell for.

I fell down to this beautiful world, i fell from heaven. Maybe it sounds really good, but it isn't. I fell because of love, i loved a beautiful women so truly and deeply that i left heaven for her, but as she got older, she died and i fell for nothing. Then i heard of the Book of Enoch, i could be human.

I heard that you have to kill the female descendant of your nelphilim subject, and of all the womens on earth, it was her. It was the girl who stole my heart, who made me feel alive.

When i heard from her i saw it as an option to get a human body, which is the thing i want the most. Or actually, was the thing i want the most. It was until i saw her face, until i heard her voice, until i looked into her eyes.

She changed me without even trying. She changed the way i feel about my past and mostly about my future. I always saw the future as just a grey world, i thought it would only get colorfull when i got human but i was wrong. I was totally, absolutely wrong, she is the one that colored everything in.

The one i can't stop thinking about, the one i love truly and unconditionally, the one i would do anything for, the one that i want to be with till the end of time, the one with the most gorgeous face and the most kissable lips, the one.

i fell for you. [on hold]Where stories live. Discover now