ch 10

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Finally! The schoolday is almost over, only biology left. Before i headed to class, i walked over to my locker and exchanged my books. Vee and i arrived pretty early so Patch wasn't here yet. Maybe i wanted him to be tho, maybe i want him to sit in his stupid chair and show that stupid wonderful smile of his. But he wasn't, i have my hopes to high. So instead of Patch, Vee put her ass on it, and yes i admit it, i'm kind of disappointed. 

"oeeeeh, what ya thinking' 'bout?" Vee said with a weird accent.

A small smile crept up my face and my cheeks turned pink. "nothing ?" It sounded more like a question than an answer and of course, Vee saw through my lie.

"mmmhm and i'm Barack Obama." she said very sarcastic.

"fine" i sigh, "maybe i was thinking about Patch, okay?" I continued looking down at my hands.

I don't know if it's a good or a bad thing but before Vee could response i heard a deep raspy voice, one that i would recognize everywhere. The one i heard every night in my head when i laid in bed. The one that makes me blush. The one that causes butterflies in my stomach, as cliche as it sounds.

"I believe that that's my seat." he said looking at Vee with a weird expression.

Vee stood up and slung her backpack over her shoulder and looked at me. Patch got a little irritated and made a gesture that she should get out of his way. She looked at him bitchy and walked away, he just rose his eyebrows a little and took his chair.

I just look down at my hands and realize that i haven't put my books on the table yet. Just when i'm about to grab my back pack, Patch looks at me and gently grabs my wrist. I snap out of my thoughts and look at him with wide eyes and a shocked expression. He looks back in to my eyes, at first i thought expressionless but when i looked longer into them i saw something weird, was it love? adoration? No, it mustn't be.

"Nora." He almost whispers, i shut my mouth and look at him with now an questioning expression.

"You look so damn good, and god, the way that you smell. It's so amazing."

"Thank you." I maybe said that a little to harsh. "that's called a shower, hot water, shampoo, soap."

He smirks and turns his head toward me again, before he answers he bites his lip and god damn, that looked good.

"mmhm naked, i know the drill baby." 

Gosh, i immediately regret what i said. Seriously Nora? thank you? and: it's called a shower? seriously?! God damn, i could have known that he would answer something like that. I'm ashamed of myself while i look at him in disbelief. I could swear that i saw the joy in his eyes, he likes it so much to make me blush and damn, that was so annoying!

"Nora, baby, You're adorable when you blush." he whispers so quietly that i could barely hear it. I blushed even harder, which i didn't know was possible. Damn, what boys can do to you...

I opened my mouth to answer but the bell cut me off. As soon as the coach walked in, he pronounced that we were going to do a practice test since the real one is already Friday. He thought we could use it so we could 'warm up' a little bit or whatever. We had fifteen minutes to answer the questions, fifteen minutes of silence and hard worked. After that we would discuss chapter 7, what a fun! Note the sarcasm.

I answered the first couple of questions without really having to think, it was easy. As i paused to shake out the cramp in my hand from all the writing, the accident of last night replays in my head. Over and over again, i just relive it. I feel Patch leaning closer toward me. I just tried to ignore it but as soon as he asked me something he had all my attention.

'You look tired, Nora, rough night?'

'I saw you at the library,' i let my pencil carefully glide over the paper, as if i was working really hard, 'Were you following me?'

'Ahh, the library, the highlight of my night, but no, i wasn't following you,' he chuckled slightly after answering. 

At the sound of that i let my pencil fall down, it rolled over the edge of my table and stopped at Patch feet. He was so attractive, his smile, the way that he chuckles, it was hypnotizing. It was the sound that i would want to wake up to. I want to wake up next to him, with his arms around my waist, with his face buried in my neck. I want to wake up to see him smile at me and to see the love he feels for me in his eyes. I want to wake up with him and no-one else.

I liked the way he looked at me and made me blush by saying the wrong or right things in the moment. I liked the fact that he didn't look or talked to any other girl like that, even though i wasn't sure if it was a positive or a negative thing. He was so hard to figure out... One day he looks at me like i'm all that matters even though he doesn't know me, and the other day, he seems annoyed by the fact that i have the seat next to him. I mean, damn boy, decide what the hell you want. Mixed signals isn't something i like, or better said, it isn't something any girl like.

As soon as the bell rang Patch stood up and was about to walk away but i stopped him. I couldn't do this anymore, i needed a new partner. I needed to stop this before it was to late, before i broke the promise that is made with myself. I couldn't fall in love with Patch.

'Patch, i know you don't want to sit next to me any more than i want to sit next to you. I think that the Coach would consider changing seats more if you talk to him. If you could explain the situation--'

And for the probably thousandth time he interrupted me mid-sentence. He raised his eyebrows and asked: 'The situation? What situation?' 

'We don't get along,' i told him.

He rubbed his jaw in a  calculating gesture, 'we don't?' he asked me, 'Nora, you're telling me we don't get along and should change seats?'

'Yes that's exactly what i am saying, Patch,' i started to get really annoyed by him now.

'Hmmm, change seats? No thank you, i like sitting next to you,' he stepped closer to me and leaned in, 'I grew attached to you, Nora Grey.' And after saying that, he just walked away like nothing happend.

He was so mysterious, like he carried a secret with him. A secret so dangerous that it could ruin the world. And i, Nora Grey, could't wait to find out what that secret was.

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