ch 8

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i turned around and headed back towards Vee's house. i couldn't stop sobbing. i'm not ever sure about what happend anymore. it's impossible but i'm sure it happend. he just came out of nowhere and hit the neon, i drove pretty fast so no one could survive that but he wasn't even injured. it happend all really fast, i remember how i hit him and how he looked me in the eyes and smiled before hitting the window.

i thought about what i should do, the best thing that i could right now was to call Vee. i was in panic but relieved when she immediatly picked up. i stuttered at first and Vee thought i meant to hit a deer. what should i say? she's my best friend but she will probably never believe me, specially not after i told her about being watched all the time and stuff.

i told her it was a deer and asked her if i could stay at her place. god thank she said i could, i had no idea how i had to bring it up. it was her car, it felt like her baby. while i drove to her home i couldn't relax, every inch of my body was strained. my hands held the steering wheel real thight, and my eyes kept switching from left to right and back.

ten minutes after i called Vee i parked on her drive way. i kicked against the door because it wouldn't open. i walked towards the door and inhaled and exhaled a couple times to calm down a little. when i opened the door i went straight to Vee's bedroom and sat on the bed next to her.

she was on her computer, listen music with her ipod turned up all the way. she looked up when i sat and pulled out her earbuds.

'do i want to see the damage right now or should i wait and see it after seven hours sleep?' she asked a little quiet.

i just bit my lip and looked at her seriously. 'probably option two.'

she sigh and stood up. 'let's just get it over with.'

when i saw the car i froze, i gasped for breath. no no no no no, this couldn't be. this isn't true. i closed my eyes and waited some seconds before opening them. the door wasn't bend, the window wasn't cracked. i walked around the car but there was nothing to see except a teeny-tiny crack.

Vee cried from happiness and said: 'are you sure you didn't hit a squirrel.'

i remembered his black eyes that looked at me and cut deep into my soul. it seemed like i knew those eyes, i've seen them before, a couple times actually. but where? who has those gorgeous black eyes? the more i thought about it, the less i got. it was helpless. they were black like... Patch's.

the moment i realized that i started to vibrate from anger, fear and hurt. if it really was Patch i couldn't face him anymore. i coulnd't sit next to him anymore, i couldn't feel this way about him anymore.

i walked around the car one more time. this couldn't been real, he broke the window, he grabbed my arm. i could even felt his fingernails bite into it, right?

suddenly i wasn't sure about anything anymore. it was a blur, it felt like my mind blocked me from the memory.

and again, short chapter. i'm still really busy, i have to do a lot for school these days. anyways, thank you guys for reading it :) i'm a little inspirationless :/ i hope i can update two chapters in one tomorrow so you guys have something to read ;p much love.

i fell for you. [on hold]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora