Today's Very Special Episode

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Here it is! The funniest episode!

It was a peaceful morning, and the fifteen contestants left on the island slumbered peacefully. However, a certain black and white teddy bear wasn't going to be having any of that.

"The time is now 7:30 in the morning!" Mono announced throughout the hotel, his annoying voice echoing throughout the island. "I think it's time for you to get your sorry butts up and meet in the restaurant! It's time for breakfast!"


Five minutes later, all fourteen contestants were sitting at their tables in the restaurant eating breakfast.

"Good morning, contestants!" Mono greeted as he entered the restaurant. "Did you sleep well?"

Before anyone could respond, Mono continued.

"Good, because our next challenge will begin shortly!" he said.

Outside, Monokuma picked up a coin and began to speak.

"This is one of the Mono Chocolate Coins!" He said. "This is a very special episode of Battle for BFDI, where you have to find chocolate coins! Find them all and you win a prize. You put them in the baskets. If the chocolate melts, you lose."

"Let's go!" said Kaede, as she got a basket.


The contestants walked through the woods, holding their basket.

"Chocolate coins! I'm gonna find yoooou!" Aria said in a singy-songy voice.

"Thank god Mono got rid of Annie earlier." sighed Mr S. "She was a real bitch in sheep's clothing who tried to boil me to death!"

Just like the bottle challenge last episode, the contestants hunted for the chocolate coins. Here and there they found them in grass, in bushes and behind flowers. They put them in their baskets. The trail led them through the woods and to a tree.

"This tree has a wasp's nest!" said Ivy.

"We can calm the wasps down!" said Aria and Kaede at the same time.

And they sang a song:

But the wasps weren't calmed down.

They overwhelmed the duo.

Kaede screamed, and Aria cried.

The others rushed in, but they were also overwhelmed by the wasps.

Soon, 13 bodies laid on the ground.

"Leave this to Taeko!" shouted Taeko.


Taeko ran behind the hotel and knocked over the dumpster. He grabbed an armful of garbage and began smothering it all over his body.

"You wanna fool these wasps, you gotta smell like the dead!" he stated, squeezing a fish head over his own head. "Oh yeah! My brain is working just fine!"


Taeko then ran back to the woods.

The 13 bodies got up, and the wasps died.

Everyone screamed in disgust, and because of the scent of trash on the detective due to him coating himself with rubbish.

"Ew!" Izuru said. "Taeko, is that you?"

"Yes, it is!" said Taeko as he removed a rotten banana peel from his shoulder. "What do you think I am? Some dirty hobo?"

Taeko then walked over to the wasp nest and removed a chocolate coin from it.

"All it took was smothering my whole body in waste!" He said.


The contestants walked through the woods in search of the final Mono Chocolate Coin.

They eventually came to a muddy ditch at the end of a cliff.

As Taeko ran, he tripped, and fell into the ditch.

The cliff was weak, and it collapsed under the feet of the 13 other contestants, bringing them all tumbling down into the ditch.

The contestants were very dirty now, but Taeko didn't care as he was already dirty, being covered in garbage.

"Asuka?! Where are you?" He began to search for Asuka as the contestants started to climb out of the ditch, shaking mud from their clothes.

He slipped in the mud and he slid sideways, knocking all the contestants over again.

Suddenly, Taeko found a muddy, slightly wet golden coin. He got a tissue and polished it until it gleamed.

He then put it in his basket.

"Now let's collect our reward." He said to Asuka.

Laughing, they helped each other out of the mud.


Mono was holding his coin, when the muddy contestants appeared.

"Ahhhh!" he screamed. "What happened to you?"

"We fell in a muddy ditch!" Izuru and Asuka both said.

"Now clean up!" Mono said. "It's time for you know what!"

Monokuma, dressed as an elementary student, appeared and addressed the cleaned up contestants, save for Taeko (who was still getting cleaned up.)

"Now, the safe contestants with no votes will receive a notepad, but you know what happens to the ones with the most votes by now." He said.

Mono threw notebooks at 12 of the contestants (like I mentioned, Taeko wasn't there). "Most of you received no votes, so you're safe. However, Kiyo got 7 votes so he's eliminated."

"No!" said Kiyo as Mono dragged him behind a curtain.

Suddenly, there were a whipping sound.

It was hidden behind the curtain (thank god), but the contestants heard Kiyo's high pitched screams.

Then there was silence as a pool of deep red blood pooled from under the curtains.

Mono, covered in blood splatters, walked out from behind the curtain and shot everyone a wolfish grin.

Everyone screamed, more out of surprise than disgust.

"You 12 go," Mono told the horrified contestants.

The remaining 12 contestants numbly made their way back to the hotel.

Mono turned to the camera. "What a shocker! This is just full of surprises! What's gonna happen next time? Find out next time on Battle! For! BFDI!"

So Kiyo gets killed offscreen. His body will be shown in the next episode!

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