Mono Goes Too Far

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I warned you that Mono would be at his most loathsome in this story.

"Attention contestants, please report to the Restaurant for breakfast."

The 12 remaining contestants slowly walked through the cloudy morning on the way to the restaurant. It looked like it was gonna rain anytime soon.

Soon enough, the contestants found themselves sitting at their respective tables.

"Taeko is dead..." wept Asuka as she ate.

It was rather nice, they thought.

Up until Mono announced his presence and abruptly ended all signs of happiness from the tables.

"Alright campers, your next challenge is something I like to call... The Grizzly Challenge!" Mono said.

"What's that?" asked Kaede.

"All but one of you will watch an episode of a show that terrified all of you as a kid: Grizzly Tales for Gruesome Kids! And you, Kaede, have to face your worst fear!"

Mono led the campers to a small pool. Upon closer inspection, the pool was filled with all sorts of insects and bugs.
Everyone grew uneasy at the sight.

"Oh, God..." Kee said quietly.

"Holy crap," Lady Avery added.

Himiko fidgeted uncomfortably. "That looks so nasty."

"Kaede, for your challenge, you must completely submerge yourself in these bugs for the 11 minutes the episode of Grizzly Tales we're gonna watch lasts," Mono said, smiling sadistically as he rubbed his hands together. "This is gonna be so good!"

"There isn't anything poisonous in there, is there?" Kokichi asked, looking mortified as she stared at the insects.

"Nope!" Mono said. "Nothing that really bites... at least too bad."

Kaito placed a hand on his girlfriend's shoulder. "You don't have to do this, girlfriend."

"Seriously," Mr S added. "I can't blame you if you cop out, there's no way I'd do this either."

"It's okay, I don't wanna lose," Kaede said. "Thanks, though."

Kaede took a deep breath and walked towards the pool. She closed her eyes and dove into the pool, making several people scream. Ichika actually ran into a nearby bush and threw up.

"Well, that's taken care of." said Mono.

Then the 11 contestants walked into the theatre that had been used for Ry-Ry's execution.

Mono got a disk and inserted it into the screen.

"Message in a bottle" from grizzly tales started to play.

Everyone was horrified at the episode's ending.

As soon as eleven minutes were over, they walked back outside.

Kaede burst out of the pool, shrieking. Mono then blasted her with a hose, ridding her of any clingy bugs.

"That was awful," the neat freak pianist whimpered. "And disgusting."

"You've got guts, girlfriend," Kaito complimented.

Kaede smiled.

"Well, that was a short challenge." said Mono.

"Time for you know what!"

Mono addressed the contestants.

"Now, the zero voted, safe contestants will get melted ice cream, and the one with the most votes will have you know what happen to them." He told them.

"Now most of you are safe with zero votes." He told the contestants.

He got a big pot of melted ice cream and poured it onto eleven of the contestants.

"Hey!" shouted Asuka.

"Disgusting!" cried Izuru.

"But Mr S got 6 votes, so he's out." Mono said as Mr S stood on the stage.

"It's time for you to meet your fate."

The survivalist was sobbing.

"But I didn't get the chance to say goodbye!" He said.

Satan appeared, he got a knife, and Mono told the man to lie down.

He did.

Satan then raised the knife above his head.

The knife came down.

Multiple times.

Blood splattered onto the stage, and Satan only finished when he'd stabbed Mr S 10 times.

Everyone looked shocked at what had just occurred, but no one was more shocked than Asuka.

"That Mono has gone too far this time..."

"You may go," Mono told the remaining 11 contestants. "And wipe off that melted ice cream."

The contestants immediately ran back to the hotel, wanting to get away from the scene as quickly as possible.

Mono faced the camera. "Well, that ends today's episode. Who will be eliminated next time? Find out next time on Battle! For! BFDI!"

And with that, Mono finally crosses the Moral Event Horizon.

Harmonic Despair (Taeko X Protagonist! OC)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz