Enter the Exit!

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A thrilling challenge today!
Mono entered the restaurant, where the remaining eight contestants were eating quietly. Notably, the entire room tensed when the host entered the room, something that did not go unnoticed by the psychopath.

"I don't really have anything to say to you guys this morning, so just meet me in a secret room in ten minutes for the next challenge."

Ten minutes later, the contestants were in a room they had never seen before.

"This is a challenge inspired by Zero Escape, people." Mono said. "There will be no Cake at Stake tonight."

Sighs of relief were heard.

"However, the main door has a electrified doorknob. Try to escape through that main door and you'll get killed. You have to find another door to get out." said Mono. "Follow the trail of ribbons to find the door."

Mono then left the room, leaving the contestants alone.

The door then locked.

"I love escape games!" said Kaito.


The contestants walked around the room trying to find a way out.

"I'm going to escape," said Izuru.

And she turned the doorknob of the main Door.

There was the sound of electricity, a explosion that threw everyone to the ground and a shrill shriek of surprise.

When Asuka got up, she saw the frizzy haired figure of Izuru, smoldering like a year old bonfire. On her hand, an ugly red scar where the doorknob had burned into her flesh. She'd touched the electrified doorknob and been electrocuted, instantly killing her.

Kaede touched the figure, and gasped in horror when it crumbled into ashes.

Laughing, Asuka picked a charred black ribbon off the floor.

Aside, Izuru wasn't her girl. She was a bit too fiery for her.

"We have to find the proper exit!" she said. 

The 7 remaining contestants hunted for the ribbons. Here and there they found them on the floor. The trail led them through the room and to a door.

This door was marked:


Asuka opened the door.

Leading the way in, the contestants saw Mono.

"Surprise!" said Mono.

Everyone was shocked.

"The game is finished!" Mono told them.

"Go back to your bedrooms. However, Izuru died. I shall sweep up her remains."

The contestants went back to their bedrooms, relieved.

Mono had promised that there would be no Cake at Stake, and there wasn't a Cake at Stake.

Which meant that the contestants were safe from the infamous death sentence... for now.

Soooooooo, that was something else, wasn't it?

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