Vomit Apple Bobbing!

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The Final Six - Kaito, Kaede, Kee, Lady Avery, Angie, Aria and Asuka - were all sleeping in their cabins. With the stress of the competition dwelling on them and the physical strain of a challenge each day, the amount of time Mono let the contestants sleep actually allowed the contestants easy rest.

They were woken up by Mono's voice:

"Time for the next challenge!" He said.

The Final Six squinted into the sunlight as an airplane came into the range of sight and hearing. It soared through the air and had a rather rough landing on the ground, stopping about twenty yards away from the group, whom were standing right in front of the hotel.

Mono turned off the engine and opened the door, dropping to the ground gracefully. He straightened himself and dusted himself off, grinning broadly at the teens.

"For today's challenge," said Mono.

"We're doing a Halloween classic. Apple bobbing... but in vomit!"

Cries of disgust echoed around the place.

"It's a try-not-to-puke challenge. You have to get a apple out in your teeth. If you puke, someone will be voted off. Is that clear?"

The contestants understood.

A bucket of vomit was shown. Apples were bobbing in it.

"We have to bob in there?" asked Angie.

"Yes!" said Mono.

"Now, bob!"

The contestants dipped their heads into the bucket.

Kaito tried his best not to gag as he swallowed some vomit as he bit into a apple, picking it up.

The other contestants were green as they picked up their own apples.

Aria actually ran into a bush and threw up.

"That was horrible!" said Kaede as she spat out vomit.

"Aria threw up!" said Mono. "Time for you know what!"

"Now," said Mono. "The safe contestants with the least votes will get a pear. The contestant with the most votes will get sent to heaven."

The contestants nodded.

"Now," said Mono as he threw pears at 5 of the contestants. "Most of you are safe because you received no votes. Lady Avery received 10 votes, though. So she's eliminated."

"No!" said Lady Avery as she stood on the stage.

Mono got a grenade.

Lady Avery put it into her mouth and closed her eyes.


A horrible wave of bone and brain and gore went everywhere as Lady Avery's head exploded.

Everyone looked sickened, and everyone minus Asuka ran offscreen to puke as unaccustomed they were to that level of real life gore.

"Avery..." said Kee as he wiped his mouth. "You're in a better place now..."

"Well, that wraps up this elimination ceremony." said Mono as the cleaning crew came and started cleaning up the mess that used to be Lady Avery.

"You five go."

The five shattered remaining contestants made their way to the hotel for another sleepless night plagued with horrible nightmares.

"On that gruesome note, we come to the end of another episode," Mono told the camera. "Stay tuned for more on Battle! For! BFDI!"

Sorry, Avery.

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