The Liar Collar You Don't Want

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It was an early morning in Wonderland Isle.

The contestants walked down the stairs, plagued by horrible nightmares of Mono's stabbing of Mr S.

The 11 sat down and ate breakfast.  Suddenly Mono appeared.

"Alright, campers! It's time for today's challenge!"

"What?" Kaede asked. "But we barely even got to eat breakfast."

"Breakfast time's over, Kaede!" Mono said. "Now, it's challenge time!"

Outside, Mono greeted the 11 contestants.

"Boys and girls, today's challenge is a Truth Challenge!" He said.

"What's that?" asked Ivy.

"You will be dropped into a silver room wearing a collar," explained the bear. "This is a special Liar Collar. If you tell lies, it'll electrocute you. Not fatally, but it will be painful. The spiked ceiling is slowly coming down on you. To stop it, you have to tell the truth. You have to answer riddles."

Suddenly, a trapdoor opened beneath the 11 contestants, dropping them into a silver room.

Each contestant wore a silver collar.

The ceiling was covered in spikes, and it was slowly coming down on them.

"This is a spiked ceiling which falls on a person, crushes them and rips them to shreds. To stop the ceiling from killing you, you have to answer my four riddles." said a female voice. "Here's the first one. What goes on four feet in the morning, two feet at noon, and three feet in the evening?"

"It's a human!" said Kokichi. "A baby walks on its hands and knees, when it's grown up, it walks on two feet, and when it's an old person, it walks using a cane!"

"Riddle one answered." said the voice.

"Here's riddle number two. I have no life, but I can die. What am I?"

"It's a fucking battery!" said Kaede.

"Riddle two answered." said the voice.

"Here's riddle number three. Two plus two equals...?"

"It equals 4!" said Himiko.

"That was too easy!" said the voice. "Riddle 3 answered. The final riddle: In a one-story pink house, there was a pink person, a pink cat, a pink fish, a pink computer, a pink chair, a pink table, a pink telephone, a pink shower– everything was pink! What color were the stairs?"

"There are no stairs!" said everyone in unison. "It's a one story house, what did you expect?"

"You've fried my system!" cried the voice. "Nooooo!"

Suddenly, the room exploded, sending all 11 contestants back to the start.

"Thank god we won't have to wear those awful collars again." said Kokichi.

It was almost as if Mono knew that this challenge would fit Kokichi being The Ultimate Compulsive Liar.

Mono then came.

"You've passed this challenge," he said.

"Time for the elimination!"

"The least voted contestants will get bananas, and the most voted contestant will leave the land of the living!" Mono announced.

"Most of you received no votes, so you are safe!" Mono threw bananas at 10 of the contestants.

"However, Kokichi got 4 votes, so she's eliminated."

Mono grabbed Kokichi by her collar, and dragged her onto the stage.

He got a pot of molten wax.

He addressed the compulsive liar up close with five simple words:
"Liar, liar. Pants on fire."
He then poured the wax on top of Kokichi, covering her from head to toe.

"Stop!" cried a muffled voice from somewhere underneath all this molten wax. "I can't-"

Before she could say "breathe," the wax hardened, and Kokichi's breathing stopped.

The wax covered liar hit the ground with thudding finality.

With no blood spilled, the compulsive liar had finally died.

"Alright, contestants, you may leave," Mono said to the remaining 10 contestants, who quickly made their way to leave.

Mono faced the camera. "There you have it folks. Not really a surprising elimination if you think about it. Who will be the next one eliminated? Find out next time on Battle! For! BFDI!"
So yeah. Kokichi is forced to tell the truth, only to end up causing her death when she's eliminated.

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