Shark Surprise!

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Two more chapters to go, folks!

The next day, the contestants got up and headed to the restaurant. Inside, they saw that breakfast was already served for each of them on the tables. They sat down and started eating.

Suddenly, Mono appeared.

"Alright, meet me at the swimming pool in ten minutes," he said. "Your next challenge will begin momentarily."

With that, the host walked out of the restaurant.

"Welcome to your next challenge!"

The contestants, to their horror, immediately found themselves stripped naked and standing right in front of the swimming pools.

"You have to swim in this pool. But it's filled with psychotic man eating sharks." said Mono. "You have to swim fast or you will be eaten by the sharks."

"That's insane!" screamed Kaito.

The water loving astronaut wasn't wrong. Next to the 60 foot cliff challenge, this was the second most mind bogglingly stupid thing their host had ever asked them to do!

"Will our deaths be censored or will they be shown like Ry-Ry's?" asked Kaede.

"Your deaths will be hidden from vision." said Mono.

Asuka remembered the first execution, and suddenly swimming with sharks seemed a whole lot better compared to the sheer brutality of that day.

"Now, jump." Mono said.

The contestants jumped.

The contestants swam. 

Sharks were everywhere.

The contestants swam fast and underwater.

It was all they could do to dodge the ravenous creatures.

Eventually, they reached the end.

Kaito and Kaede were shocked.

The battle couple realized in growing shock that, had they swam a lot slower, they would have met the same fate as Ry-Ry. Just replace the piranhas with sharks, and the water tank with a swimming pool.

The others soon returned.

"Now get your clothes back on!" said Mono. It's time for Cake at Stake!"

Mono greeted the now dressed contestants.

"Now, the safe contestants will each get a bottle." said Mono. "But the most voted contestant will join everyone else in the afterlife."

The contestants nodded.

Mono got bottles and threw them at 4 of the contestants.

"Most of you are safe because you received no votes. However, Kaede received 99 votes so she is out."

"No!" said Kaede as she stood on the stage.

Then she told Kaito she was sorry, and stood still.

Mono wrapped a guitar string around her neck.

Sadness turned to shock.

"Mono?" she asked. "What are you doing?"

Mono began to pull tighter and tighter.

"I can't breathe!" screamed Kaede.

But she didn't have the air to scream with.

It didn't take long for a sickening crunch to echo around the place and her screaming to stop.

Mono had to make sure she was dead.

So he got a gun and pointed it at Kaede's forehead.

He then pulled the trigger.


Kaede's body now had a bullet hole between her eyes.

"Talk about overkill!" said Angie.

"Well, at least that was quick," Asuka said.

"And not that hard to watch," Aria added.

"Alright, get out of here," Mono said to the contestants.

The contestants did as they told.

"So who will the next to perish? Find out right here, next time, on Battle! For! BFDI!"
So, Kaede gets garroted with a guitar string and she gets shot in the head. How humiliating.

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