The Reveal!

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Original episode title: This Episode Is About Basketball
A wham episode before the finale? Anyways, today, we have basketball! Warning: this chapter is full of violence as well as graphic depictions of the violence.

The following morning, the four remaining contestants were woken to a loud screech of the megaphone placed in the center of the hotel.

"Meet me outside in five minutes and I'll tell you about today's challenge!"

Outside, the contestants were greeted by Mono who was wearing the elementary student outfit he'd worn the nights he'd done in Kiyo with a whip and slashed Taeko's throat.

"Yo!" he said. "Welcome to the penultimate challenge! For this challenge, you have to do basketball."

The four contestants were standing on the basketball court.

"Now, play it!" said Mono.

To say that the basketball challenge was boring would be the understatement of the century. It was a fun battle.   Bones were cracked, organs were piled out, muscles fell out, and blood splattered.

Angie and Aria had to go to the medical hospital, to recover from their serious injuries from this challenge.

But in the midst of the challenge, Kaito passed out.

Asuka had to carry him to the hospital.


"I just passed out as a result of my disability," Kaito told her.

"Disability?" said Asuka.

"When I was 4 years old, I got very sick with cancer. I had to go to the hospital! I thought I was going to be dead before I ever recovered. It turned into a disability. It comes back every now and again."

"So that's why you passed out while we were climbing the stairs. It wasn't exhaustion. It was cancer!" said Asuka.

"I have never let my disability hold me back from being the best astronaut I can be," said Kaito. "Nothing is going to stop me!"


The rest of the challenge did not go well. Kaito stayed in the hospital.

"Now that bloody basketball challenge is wrapped up," said Mono. "Now time for the final you-know-what!"

Mono greeted the 4 remaining contestants.

"This is the final Cake at Stake." He said. "Now, I ran out of prizes so I'm giving the safe contestants leaves. The contestants with the most votes will get eliminated instantly."

The contestants understood.

"Now," said Mono, throwing leaves at Angie, Aria and Asuka. "Most of you received no votes, so you are safe. However, thanks to his condition, Kaito got 700 votes, so you'll get a peaceful elimination."

Kaito stood on the stage.

"Kaito, stand on that red X."

Kaito did as he was told.

"Above you is something so heavy it'll be over instantly. Any last words?"

Kaito took a deep breath and said:

"Kaede, I am peaceful even with my cancer, and I will be peaceful in death as I join you in the afterlife.

Kaito then got down, and sat in a lotus position.

He closed his eyes, shut his mouth and put his arms down.

Just then, a massive block of concrete the size of a mansion slammed on top of Kaito.

There were a few nasty cracks and crunches as the boy's bones were flattened.

A pool of red blood leaked from underneath the block, and not a part of Kaito could be seen.

In other words, Kaito was crushed up underneath the block like a camel in a microwave.

"Which only goes to prove that certain things are NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!" said Mono. "You may now go."

Without another word, the 3 remaining contestants walked off.

"Now, the climax of my little series will come next episode!" Mono told the camera. "See you for the finale of Battle! For! BFDI!"

Harmonic Despair (Taeko X Protagonist! OC)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora