Egg and Spoon, Now with Added Danger!

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The egg finally hatches! Also, this is the second episode split into parts.
The Challenge
It had been a peaceful night for everyone save for Taeko. When he'd been informed for Kiyo not showing up to sleep, he brought his detective skills into play and hunted high and low for the entomologist, but this was Wonderland Isle, so he didn't know where to start. 6 hours later, he was no nearer to finding Kiyo, so he gave up.

"Attention, contestants! Please report to outside ASAP! You have ten minutes before penalties are given out!"

The contestants all groaned as they trudged their way outside, though some of them were curious as to why Mono told them to meet him there and not the restaurant.

A few minutes later, all 13 contestants were outside.

"Today," said Mono. "You won't have breakfast. And you're gonna to have an egg and spoon race."

"Sounds easy." said Izuru.

"It's a egg and spoon danger race in three parts." said Mono. "First, the Yellow Team will cross a lake of elephant poo on a tight rope. Then the Blue Team will climb a long ladder and plunge into a bucket of guacamole. Finally, the Pink Team will cross a boardwalk over a gorge, and a spinning blade."

"We can take on that challenge!" said Kaede as the contestants were given spoons and eggs.

"But two episodes ago, we found an egg." said Ivy as the ditzy gardener placed the egg they found on her spoon.

Tightrope Peril!

First, the Yellow Team stood in front of a tight rope over a lake of elephant poop.

"We have to walk over that." said Asuka.

"For Taeko!"

The contestants started to walk on the tightrope.

Kee, Himiko, Angie, and Kaito slipped and fell into the lake of elephant poop, but Asuka perfectly crossed the tightrope.

War de Guacamole

"Why do the Blue team always get the messed up challenges?" screamed Kaede.

"I don't know." said Kokichi.

"A ladder climbing challenge is fun!" said Lady Avery as she began to climb the ladder.

Everyone else also began to climb the ladder. They went as slowly and quietly as they could, pulling themselves up hand over hand.

Eventually, they reached the top. There was a platform 70 feet above the ground.

"There's no way we can get down!" said Taeko.

It was true. There was no way to get down.

"The only way to get down is to jump!" said Ichika.

Suddenly, a trap door opened beneath the five, dropping them down below.

Then, they fell to their deaths.

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