Jellybean Feast of Disgustness!

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The contestants sat at their tables in the restaurant eating breakfast. Mono then walked in at this moment.

"Alright campers, time for today's challenge!"

Groans and complaints were heard in response.

"But Mono, we barely even touched our food," Izuru said.

"I know, but that's okay, there will be plenty of snacking in today's challenge!" Mono announced. "Now, if you'd all follow me."

The nine remaining captives reluctantly pushed themselves up their chairs and got up, following their captor outside, all unwilling to partake in the next sick challenge where yet another one of them would lose their life.

Outside, the contestants found a box of jelly beans.

"Ever heard of these?" said Mono as he got the box out. "Jelly Belly BeanBoozled jelly beans were designed as a fun game for adventurous candy-eaters in 2008. Your challenge is basically this game! You have no way of knowing if the next jelly bean will be more gross, least gross, or just as gross as the last! Enjoy! Back to the restaurant!"


The contestants sat around a bench in the restaurant.

Mono gave them a box of tutti-fruitti jelly beans.

"Course one!" said Mono.

The contestants dug in to their jelly bean feast.

"Yum yum," said Ivy as she wiped her mouth.

"But these aren't tutti fruitti jelly beans," Mono said. "Let's just say their true flavoring comes from the laundry."

"So you mean we're really eating..." Kee began.

"That's right! You're eating stinky socks!"

It wasn't long until the realization of what the contestants were eating sunk in.

"Eww!!!" Kaede cried, going green.

Izuru ran off to the loo and threw up.

"Course two!" said Mono, giving the contestants a box of lime jellybeans as Izuru returned.

The contestants ate the jellybeans.

"Yum!" said Kee,

"These are actually lawn clippings!" said Mono.

"Yuck!" said Ichika.

"Courses three and four!" said Mono as he brought the contestants two boxes, one with buttered popcorn jelly beans, and the second with blueberry jellybeans.

The contestants ate them, finding them delicious.

"These are actually rotten egg jellybeans and toothpaste jellybeans respectively!" said Mono.

Without another word, Ichika fainted, falling into Lady Avery's arms.

Cut to a compilation of assorted clips of the next few rounds.

The fifth round was vomit flavored jellybeans. The contestants had been deceived into thinking they were peach.

The sixth round was canned dog food jellybeans.

There was no way they could cheat this down. They could only chew it.

The seventh round was something slightly more edible than the last two courses.

Snot flavored jelly beans.

The compilation is ended by Asuka being grossed out.


It was time for the final course.

Save for Lady Avery (who had a strong stomach) and Asuka (whose travel agent talent had seen her eat some pretty crazy things), everyone else was queasy.

"The final course is..." Mono said as he gave the contestants some coconut flavored jellybeans.

"Baby wipe favored jellybeans!"

Aria said something in Japanese and rushed to the bathroom to be sick.

After a while, the contestants had finished the jellybeans.

"Time for the elimination!" said Mono.

The contestants sat down.

"Now," said Mono. "The contestants who are safe will get a rock. The contestant with the most votes will be gone."

Mono then hurled rocks at 8 of the contestants. "Most of you are safe because you received no votes. Ivy received three votes, and she'll get eliminated."

An icy lake then appeared.

Mono tied a rock to Ivy's shoe.

"Goodbye, Ivy." he said.

He pushed Ivy.

The rock slammed into the water.

In a matter of seconds Ivy fell and a cold watery hand closed around her. The last thing she heard, as she floated to the bottom of the lake and before her brain shut down, was Mono's voice: "Are you cold?"

"Scram!" The psychotic teddy bear then yelled.

The eight remaining contestants quickly left.

Mono turned to face the camera. "And we come to the end of yet another episode. Stay tuned for more on Battle! For! BFDI!"

Ivy becomes frozen. Poetic.

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