Down the Well!

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It was a sunny morning in Wonderland Isle. The sun was shining brightly over the hotel. There was no movement on the island.

It wasn't long before Mono woke the contestants up using the megaphone.

"I have an announcement to make!" said Mono.

In the restaurant, Mono made his announcement:

"Congratulations to the remaining five contestants for reaching the halfway mark in the competition. Now, I have an important announcement to make. The teams are officially disbanded!"

Gasps filtered through the 5 remaining contestants.

"Today's challenge is as old as history itself," Mono announced. "A battle of the sexes. Now, I'll explain more as we go outside."

The contestants went outside.

"Today, we have to go down an old well, run down it and find two bells."

"Sounds appealing," said Kee.

"3 of you go down the well first, and the other three will go down the well second. The last one out of the well will get voted off." said Mono.

An old well was shown.

"Go down there." ordered Mono.

Kaito, Kee, and Kaede were the first to go down the well.

They climbed quickly down the damp, dripping abyss, shivering in the sudden darkness.

"It's sure hard to climb with all this mud around." Kee said.

Eventually they dropped, and they landed in yet more mud. They were in the bottom of the well.

The contestants then saw two tunnels.

"We take the first tunnel." said Kaito.

Kaito ran into the dark tunnel, followed by Kee and his beloved Kaede. They walked through a maze of damp, smelly tunnels, hearing only the steady drip of water.

"I hope we aren't in the sewers," said Kaede.

Suddenly, Kaito touched a bell.

"I found a bell!" He said, picking it up.

"I see light!" added Kee.

The contestants went towards the light.


Aria, Angie and Asuka were next, when the previous three came out of the well. The boys and Kaede were extremely dirty, and they were also unbearably stinky, but they were alive.

The trio climbed down the well.

The well was damp and smelled of fresh earth.

After coming to the bottom of the well, Angie saw the second tunnel.

"We'll go down there." said Aria.

The trio walked through dirty tunnels and climbed down damp walls.

Suddenly, Asuka cried: "There's a bell!"

She picked it up.

"Light!" added Angie. "I see light!"

There was light.

The trio walked towards the light.


The trio were shown running towards Mono. They were extremely dirty and unbearably stinky.

"What was that again?" said Aria.

"The sewer!" said Mono. "And that well was actually my personal toilet!"

"But that means that those tunnels were dripping in your piss and the mud was actually your shit..." said Kaito, shocked.

"We went into the sewers?" asked Kee.

Everyone else gagged in disgust.

"Now you got the bells, now wipe off that filth! It's time for you know what!"

The contestants, now completely free of filth, were addressed by Mono.

"Contestants," he said. "Those with zero votes will get tambourines, and those with the most votes will get their life switched off."

Mono threw tambourines at 4 of the contestants. "Now, most of you received 0 votes, so you are safe. However, Kee received 11 votes, so he will have his life go out."

Satan appeared, holding a flamethrower.

"Really?" Kaito asked. "You're gonna burn him to death?"

Mono nodded. "Yep!"

"You're sick!" Kaede yelled, glaring at the host.

"I guess it is rather gruesome," Mono pondered for a moment. "But it doesn't matter. You're still gonna have to watch him die."

Kee stepped on the stage.

"Time to fry, little android." said Satan.

He pressed a button, and a column of flame shot out.

It hit Kee.

In less time than it takes to fill a thimble full of liquid gold, Kee's skin had melted and it was a puddle of silver goop. His clothes had also melted.

The five remaining contestants left.

Mono walked over and picked up a charred pink heart off the ground. He laughed maniacally.

"Well, well, well! Looks like Kee is now in a better place, or so he thought. What do we have in store for our victims next? Find out next time on Battle! For! BFDI!"
We're 13 contestants down! Only 3 chapters to go!

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