The beginning

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— Welcome to the Playground —
Chapter one

Dear friend across the river

My hands are cold and bare

Dear friend across the river

I'll take what you can spare

An explosion screamed through the air.

I ask of you a penny

My fortune it will be

Two girls walked through the smoke, in search of their parents.

I ask you without envy

We raise no mighty towers

Our homes are built of stone

So come across the river

And find...

The taller girl gasped, as she looked at the fire and smoke that was surrounding them and the bodies that lay unconscious.

Loud grunts and banging were heard from the side, they turned to see a man in the smoke.

He took notice of the two girls, walking through the smoke towards them slowly.

The smaller girl with blue hair hid behind the taller one.

It was like the pink-haired girl spoke with her eyes as she motioned at the man, he looked off to the side the two girls following his eyesight.

There laid two unmoving bodies...


Vander strut in The Last Drop with two girls on his shoulders, A girl with h/c hair that had a streak of white yelped as he slammed the door closed.

"Ekko first aid" The girl quickly said as Vander placed the two girls down.

Ekko peeped up from the countertop interested in who required his sister's aid.
"Vander, you're back?" Ekko questioned grabbing a first aid kit from the lower shelf behind the countertop.

The girl took the kit from Ekko as she slowly walked overseeing the glance Vander gave her.
She knew why these two were here, either they were given up or a family guardian was killed during the raid at the crossing bridge.

"I'm Y/N, I'm just going to clean any wounds you have and wrap them up," I said calmly, The blue-haired girl seemed to trust me more than the girl with pink.

The blue-haired girl held her leg out, I already noticed the ripped cut through her pants.

"Ekko are Claggor and Mylo back?" I asked as I side-eyed Vander as he went back to behind the bar.
"Mylo got back while you were writing," Ekko said as he watched behind me as I cleaned the girl's wound.

"What's your name?" Ekko asked the girl with blue hair, "Pow-" She coughed, "Powder" She put on a smile.

"I'm Ekko! And This here is my awesome sister! She wants to be a writer even a medic one day!" Ekko smiled wrapping an arm around my neck as he stood on the seat.

Can I trust you?    Vi x (fem)readerOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora