Shes Mine Now

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Oil and Water
Chapter twelve

I pushed myself up, already wanting to leave.
Pushing Caitlyn's window open and climbing inside. I grabbed hold of Caitlyn's hand making Vi pull herself up with a grunt.

"Who lives here? Another councilor friend of yours?" Vi asked Caitlyn helping her walk, Me being the curious idiot I am noticing the papers spread out on the floor.

The door slams open, a lady with a gun pointed at us, I turned quickly and then groaned, "fucking councilors" I hissed out, "Caitlyn?" The lady spoke, then a man showed up from behind the corner.

We were so worried! Thank god you're safe." The man walked forward and Caitlyn fell into his arms.
"And you found some stray's" The lady spoke, I glared harshly, "excuse you—?" Vi kicked my leg, "This is Vi and Y/N, both from the undercity." The lady sent a fake smile, making me force a smile back.
My stomach growled.

"Do you guys have any food?" The lady sighed, "May we have a word, Caitlyn?"
"Alone" The lady glared at Vi, when she stepped forward. "And Y/N correct?" I nodded, "We'll bring some food for you and your friend.." Then the three walked out.

I had taken off my jacket a couple of minutes ago, devouring the plate of food the nice ladies brought in.
Vi didn't even touch her food as she laid on Caitlyn's huge ass bed.

"So..." Vi spoke up from the silence, I looked up from my sandwich.
"What." I said plainly, "You do know, Ekko will be okay." Vi tried to reassure me, "After we're done babysitting I'm looking for him" Vi looked at me surprised, "Don't look at me like that, you were going to the same thing with Jinx." Vi's surprised look turned into a glare.

"It's Powder." She spat, I shrugged.
"I owe her that title, you guys did cloud her mind with that word" I took another bite from my sandwich, leaning forward on the floor.

"What do you mean you 'owe her'?" Vi asked, "She saved my life," I said plainly, "I died that day, I already told you this" Vi just stared at me, "I'm sorry" I shrugged, "Over and done with now"

I had more things I wanted to say, It was selfish but I wondered if Vi still thought about me as they did as kids.

They both had crushes on the other, neither knew just the other kids who would shake their heads at the two dumb girls in love.

"Did you ever... think we'd—" The door opened before Y/N could finish. Vi gave her a look saying the two could finish later. Caitlyn walked in, having a small limp from her now bandaged wound.

Caitlyn shut the door, "We'll present our case to the Council tonight" Vi looked back down looking at the girl's work.

I sighed grabbing a picture of Ekko and I on our boards. "You did this all yourself?" I asked, "Without even going down there?" Caitlyn walked up behind me seeing the plates of food that surrounded me and the picture that laid in my hands.

Caitlyn moved towards the bed, Calling me over as I pushed myself up, "And I thought Powder could get obsessed" Vi rolled over on her back, Caitlyn sat down on the edge as I laid over by the pillows.

"What happened to her, it's not your fault" Caitlyn looked down at the pink-haired chick.
I quietly scoffed, Caitlyn laid down on her back, one of vi's arms laid over my leg.

Can I trust you?    Vi x (fem)readerWhere stories live. Discover now