Page 1 The Beginning

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RIIING, Schools out for the week. "Hey Rumara there's a party at Nickie's tonight you in?" Leila asked excitedly "Lila I'm not really a "party girl".  I say trying to get out of it. It's not that I don't want to go I'm just supposed to be training tonight and I know that their going to be mad if I miss it.

"Oh come on it's Friday night come out with me and the gang, have one night of no rules and lots of alcohol" Leila says loudly then laughs which makes me laugh "ok, but just because you're all going to get drunk and I'm not letting you drive home like that". She sighs "I'll take what I can get" "alright, see you then"

10 minutes later. (Rumara walked home) " boys I'm home" Rumara greeted taking off her shoes and walking into the living room. "Hey Ara, so uh what did you learn at school today" Jasper said sarcastically which made me grown.

"Oh shut up you know why I go" I say plopping down on the couch "yeah yeah to see your boyfriend" Jasper replied teasingly. "No,... well kind of but mostly and originally because we all agreed to try and blend in when we moved here remember?" "Yeah we remember, but we'd rather stay out of sight then out flaunting her powers around the schoolyard" Luka annoyingly chimes in.

"Well hello to you too Luka, and you know that's not what I'm doing" these two are starting to get really annoying. "Ok then prove it, train with us tonight" shoot I knew this would cost me "tonight... I can't tonight".

why not" because Lila wants me to go to a party with her tonight, sorry" would you rather train and get stronger to protect yourself and us or go to some party to hang out with drunk human teenagers, because if you haven't noticed you're not human ok none of us are" fine let's train you and me Jasper right now and if I win you have to go to school, both of you" hey don't drag me into this, this is your in Jasper's problem not mine" OK fine but if you lose you stop going to school and stay here where you're safe" ok but let's make this quick, I've got a dress to pick out". (Jasper and Ramara fight with their powers, Jasper can move things with his mind and Ramara can make portals. In the end Ramara one by teleporting behind Jasper and knocking him to the ground) "ok (Jasper said between gasps for air) you win, you can go to your party, will stop bothering you" and you have to go to school with me, I can't be the only one here who thinks that the powered person we're looking for goes to Jade High" yeah you're right ara but why do we have to go we can look at other places" because Jasper, the more of us searching in one place the faster we can find them and move on. Besides, I wouldn't mind expanding our family." Just because they have powers doesn't mean that they're instantly part of the family, they have to earn our trust and our love just like we did in the beginning" I know that, all I'm saying is that we will have another person to protect and who can protect us. Because honestly I don't ever want to lose either of you... You guys are my family and I love you, so yes we're going to school and finding whoever it is who has powers to help me protect you" (Ramara said on the verge of tears)

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