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Oh ok but why do you go to school and they don't?" We move a lot and they hate leaving people behind so they just decided to do it from home" ok. Well how old are they?" Same age as us, seventeen" so what are you triplets or something" oh no we're not really siblings, their parents were friends with mine and passed away a really long time ago so my parents adopted them" oh, that's so sad I'm so sorry" it's all right it was a long time ago and they really don't like to talk about it so could you please just keep it between us" yeah for sure. So where are they" oh there around here somewhere ,I told them to go have fun" so they're talking to girls then ha ha" Jasper probably is but Luka's gay" oh, cool" do you know where Jason is?" Oh I think he's in the living room playing foosball" OK thanks Lila I'm gonna head over to him". (Rumara walks into the living room) hey Jason" hey hon" (Jason quickly kisses Ramara on the cheek then goes back to playing foosball) what are you doing here?" Lila invited me, she said I need more fun in my life" sounds like Lila" so who's winning?" for now he is but I'm catching up" cool, I'm gonna get something to drink see you later".(Rumara goes to the kitchen) "oh hey Luka" hey sis, so any luck?" we've been here for like five minutes I've only said hi to a couple friends" ok well it would be nice to have a clue as to who we're looking for" I know, wait couldn't you like read the minds of everyone here" yeah but who's to say that's what I thinking about right now" well do you have a better idea?" Fine, I'll try". (Luka reads everyone's mind) there were a couple of people with magic on their minds but I think one of them was high" ok take me to the one that wasn't" come on I'll tell Jasper to meet us there" ok". (Luka and Rumara head to the balcony on the second floor and soon after Jasper catches up with them) Hey you -Rumara" me?" Yeah sorry, we're going around introducing ourselves to everyone"-Luka " yeah, I'm  Rumara and these are my brothers Jasper" hey" and Luka" hi" well it's nice to meet you all I'm Kira" ok, so Kira I'm going to ask you something weird ok" yeah sure" do you have powers?" WHAT... no o-of course not" she's lying, she's the one we've been looking for"-Luka "looking for I-I don't have powers" listen Kira we're friends and we've been looking for you for a long time... We have powers too"-Rumara " we need you to come with us"-Jasper " slow down Jasper"-Luka " sorry about him he doesn't get out much" hey!"-Jasper " but he's right, Kyra it would be in the best interest of everyone here if you come with us"

The Three T'sजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें