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Sorry this one is so short!!

Ok, well my mom is probably about to call and ask where I am anyway, good by Rumara we'll miss you, and it was nice to meet you Luka and Jasper" yeah, it was nice to meet you too Jaison, and you guys to Liera, Raina". (Rumara's friends leave and Rumara, Kyra, Luka, and Jasper all sit down on the couch) Rumara are you ok?" yeah, Jasper I'm fine (tears start to stream down Rumara's face) ha I get why you don't go to school now" aw hun come here (Jasper wraps his arms around Rumara's waist and positions her so that her head is lying on his shoulder and Rumara positions her arms so that her hands are curled up by her neck, slowly Jasper strokes her hair calming her down to the point where she fell asleep) ok well I'm going to take Rumara to bed then go to bed my self see you two in the morning" (Luka and Kyra bouth say) good night".(Jasper picks Rumara up and gently lowers her onto her bed and sits in a chair beside the bed) Oh, Ara, you may be a pain sometimes but seeing you get hurt is one of the worst things in the world to me. You deserve so much better than to get hurt.... You deserve the world and I promise one day Luka and I will give it to you" (Jasper gets up from the chair and walks out and goes to bed)

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