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OK I get it, like strength in numbers" no, we would literally become stronger, our individual power will be magnified double with every powered person we are with. So like there are four of us now that means that all four of our powers are increased times for as long as we're together." Wow that's incredible. Do you know who's hunting us?" We don't know much about them, we just called them the hunters. They're all over the world trying to find and kill as many of us as they can. We don't know why, it could be a grudge, or they scared of us, or they want our powers, we don't know" how did they find us" well they aren't called hunters for nothing, they might know some people in high places where they might be able to track our powers"-Rumara " which is why we only use them when we need to... Most of the time" Luka says with a smirk " and now that we found you we need to leave..." what, why?" Because you're not the only one we're trying to find, and we would like it if you came with us. You would always be safe and we would get to know each other... So what are you say, are you with us?" Yeah, OK I'm in". I hate that we're always leaving, especially now. I have a good friends and a great boyfriend, I've never had a boyfriend before and now I have to leave them behind, it's not fair"-Rumara " we're sorry Ara we know this is hard for you, this is why Luka and I stopped going to school after our second move it's hard to leave people behind but that's what we have to do. Even if we weren't looking for people we couldn't stay long" yeah hi... I know, I'm going to start packing" (remora walked back to her room) dammit, I hate seeing her like that" (Jasper says telepathically throwing something across the room) I know Jasper I do too. Ha, so this is what being protective brother feels like" I guess so". I'm confused why couldn't we stay longer"-Kyra " because we age differently than normal people, we have a much longer lifespan, appearance wise we could stay 17 for like 20 years actually I'm pretty sure it starts at 17" wow I had no idea" yeah well you're new to this" now I feel extra bad for her there would always be a reason why she couldn't stay with the people she started to care about" yeah it happens every time, it kills us to see her like that." So what should we do" what?" For Ramara, we have to do something for her." Oh I know let's- (in Romeo's room) well (she took a deep breath) I guess in the long run it's better this way, Jason and I would probably go apart and the same for my friends, and we need to find everyone else to stay safe, and I'm glad we found Kyra".

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