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I'm going to tell my friends that I'm moving to London but I'll keep in touch, what are you going to tell your friends" I don't really have many friends but the one I do have I'll tell her the same thing" and if people start realizing that we're both leaving to London I'll just tell them that we're cousins" sounds like a plan, and technically we won't even be why we are moving to London and Innoway we're kind of like cousins" yeah, that makes me feel a lot better I've never really been a good liar" well you won't have to be." (Kyra and Rumara get to school and go there separate ways, with Rumara) "Hey guys, so I've  got some pretty big news and I need you not to freak out" if you didn't want us to freak than you shouldn't have said it like that, now I'm kind of worried" "Well I'm just going to flat out say it. I'm moving to London... tomorrow" (all Rumara's friends collectively say) "WHAT!! "Why didn't you tell us this sooner?" "I'm sorry guys it's just hard for me to say, but I knew that I couldn't leave without saying goodbye to you or without even telling you that I'm leaving so here I am... telling you" "oh honey we're going to miss you" "I'm going to miss you too" Rumara starts to cry, "but we'll talk on the phone all the time and it'll be like I never left" "okay well let's ditch today I want to spend as much time with you as I can before you leave so come on let's go to the theme park" "yeah that sounds great thank you Jason" "hey we're coming too, there's no way we're going to let Jason have you all to himself on your last day here" "thanks guys" "okay let's go". "What are you doing Rumara?" "oh nothing just texting my brothers and telling them what we're doing so they don't worry" "By the way who's the oldest out of all three of you" "oh that would be Jasper he's a month older than me and I'm a month older than Luka oh and just so you know the full extent of my family tree we have a cousin her name is Kyra, she goes to our school and she's half a month younger than Luka". "You mean Kyra Marten is your cousin" "yeah we only just met her in person though" "oh well in that case there's something you need to know about her" oh really?" Ding, everyone but Rumara just got a text"

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