Chapter 1: Welcome To Titan High

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 Human Territory,5:59 A.M.

At a Specific Human House. 

A Small Boy was Laying,On the Couch,In the Living Room,Asleep,Waiting to hear his Alarm,So,He could get Up,And,Get Ready for School.

The Boy's Name was Matthew,And,Matthew was a Ten Year Old Boy,Living in the House with his Grandfather and Grandmother.

Currently,The Boy was Sleeping in Late,Not Really knowing It,Of Course.

The Second,That,It turned 6:00,Matthew's Alarm Clock,Which sat,Beside,Him,Began to Beep,Alerting the Boy,That,It was Time to get Up.

Matthew opened his Eyes,Hearing the Alarm Clock,as He sat Up,On the Couch,And,Looked Over to his Clock,Seeing the Clock say,That,It was 6:00 a.m.

 "Oh,No,I'm late,I am Super Late,Oh,And,On the Day of Tryouts,They might never forgive Me for This," Matthew complained to Himself as He got Off the Couch,And,Ran Up the Stairs,To his Bedroom.

"Man,I am So Dead. Ooh! I have to get dressed,I'm Doomed to be an Embarrassment on the Day of Tryouts,It is going to be So Humiliating," Matthew explained to Himself as He paced,Around his Room,In Worry,Before,Stopping to keep himself on Task,Going straight to his Bed,Where his Folded Clothes Sat.

"Okay, Don't be a fool, Matthew, you can still make it,Don't Freak Out," Matthew whispered to Himself,Trying to keep a Cool Head,While,He put on his Clothes.

Once Matthew was Done,Putting on his Clothes,He ran Down the Stairs,Toward the Kitchen,Preparing for his Day,To Try Out for a Special School,Known as Titan High,Only Hoping,That,He was going to be Good Enough to get into the School,Considering,The Fact,That,The School was only for a Specific Species called Titans,Which were Anthropomorphic Animals that Were considered to be Monsters by Humans.

Of Course,Matthew didn't think So,He always was Quite Fascinated with the Creature,Which was,Where He,Somehow,Developed the Ability to Understand Them.

Matthew,Then,Quickly,Packed All of his Food and Supplies Up,In his Bag,And,Headed Out the Door,To Go to the School.


In Titan Territory,At the Exact Same Time.

Inside One of the Huts in a Titan Village.

Godzilla,A Six Foot Lizard Titan,Opened the Doors to his Closet,as He looked Inside,For Something to Wear,Already Noticing,That,He was Late for his Day to Try Out,For the Same Famous School,That,Matthew was going To,Of Course,He didn't know This,Nor,Would He want to,If He knew.

Godzilla's Only Few Interests was Himself,His Family and the Rest of the Village. 

"You've got to be kidding Me, I'm late for the Unofficial First Day of School. Well, Doesn't Mean I can't make it. I shouldn't have to Worry about My First Impression to the School,For Two Reasons,One,Being that the Dean is My Stepdad,He'll take Care of It,And,Two,Cause I am not  Remotely,Even Interested in getting in It,Hopefully,They don't allow Me in," Godzilla said to Himself,While,He picked Out a Pair of Clothes

Godzilla put the Clothes on,Grabbed and Packed the Stuff,That,He needed for the Day,And,Went out the Door,To get On to his Bike.

 Both Matthew and Godzilla got On to Their Bikes,At the Same Time,From Their Different Territories,And,Pedaled to the New School,Titan High,Where They had Signed Up a Few Weeks Ago.

 Matthew arrived,In Front of the School,Parked his Bike,And,Got Off It as He,Then,Ran Inside to get to the Tryouts,Before,It was Too Late.

The Minute,Matthew ran Inside,Godzilla arrived,In Front of the School,Parked his Bike,Got Off,And,Ran into the School,As Well,Hoping,That,It was Too Late,So,He didn't have to be Enrolled. 

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