Chapter 8: Divided

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"What's the plan,Big G," Matthew asked.

"Don't look at me, I'm not the Leader here," Godzilla stated.

"Well, then, Who is?" Matthew questioned.

"That's easy, I'm looking at him," Mothra replied.

Matthew looked around noticing that she wasn't looking at Godzilla but at him.

"What? Not me,I can't lead," Matthew warned.

"Yes,you can,you have been already," Mothra responded.

"Name one," Matthew ordered.

"Who led us to retreat?" Mothra mentioned.

"That's Escape 101,I'm not a leader," Matthew disagreed.

"That's enough!" Godzilla demanded.

Matthew shut up the moment Godzilla yelled at him.

"Stop doubting yourself,I know you can do this,I know you can,I don't have a doubt,deep inside you know you can do this,so stop doubting yourself and lead us," Godzilla eludicated.

"O-Okay,I'll do it," Matthew agreed.

"Took you long enough," Mothra added.

"Okay,Leader, Which Way should we go? Back or Forward," Godzilla wondered.

"Well,going back might not be the best idea, cause if we re-open those doors,those Basilisks might be waiting for us," Matthew explained.

"I guess that means we go forward," Mothra stated.

"No," Matthew blurted out.

"Uh,Matthew,Which is it?" Godzilla questioned.

"We have to go somewhere," Mothra said.

"Matthew," They both called.

"I can't do this," Matthew yelled out.

He went back to the door where they came in.

He buried his face in his knees.

Godzilla and Mothra looked at each other.

Godzilla sighed as he walked over to him.

He sat down beside him.

"Matthew, I'm sorry," Godzilla apologized.

"For What? You did nothing wrong, you just believed in the wrong person," Matthew replied.

"I put too much pressure on you," Godzilla informed.

"I am such a failure," Matthew stated.

"I am sorry for putting pressure on you but not for this," Godzilla warned.

"Huh?" Matthew wondered.

Godzilla grabbed Matthew's face and made them be nose to nose.

"This may be your first time being leader so you are new to it," Godzilla began to explain as he was cradling Matthew's face and holding his face so they can be doing nose to nose.

"But, What if I fail you guys? Matthew questioned.

"Matthew," Godzilla called.

"You guys would have put your faith in me for no reason, and then,I'll be a failure, Matthew excused.

"Matthew," Godzilla whispered trying to get his attention.

"Or, What if you die? Or Mothra dies," Matthew continued freaking out.

"MATTHEW!!!" Godzilla called.

"What?" Matthew asked.

"Look in my eyes," Godzilla commanded.

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