Chapter 13: The Assault in Godzilla's Village

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Godzilla ran Deeper,Into the Village,Looking from Side to Side,Searching for Any Signs of Life.

"Hello? Anyone? I'm Here. I'm Back," Godzilla shouted,Attempting to get Whoever was Alive,To Come Out,So,He could see,That,They were Okay.

Matthew Panted,While,He Ran,as He,Finally,Caught Up to Godzilla,And,Came to a Stop,Beside Him.

"Phew,You are Really Fast,When You wanna be," Matthew commented,In Between Breaths,as He continued,To Pant,Heavily,Trying to catch his Breath.

"HELLO!!! ANYONE?" Godzilla called Out,Throughout the Village,Not paying Any Attention to Matthew,Just to the Burnt Down Village,In Which They stood.

"G-Godzilla,I don't think Anyone's Left," Matthew informed,Softly,Trying to put It as Gently,As Possible.

"No! No,Someone has to be Here,Some Other Titans have to be Here and Alive," Godzilla lashed Out,Angrily,as He looked Around the Village,Looking from Side to Side,Hoping to See,At Least,Someone coming Out.

"Big G,No One's Here," Matthew warned,Politely,Trying to be as Nice as He could be,About It.

"No,I can't accept That,Someone,Anyone,That,I know,Has to be Alive," Godzilla rejected,Refusing to accept the Fact,That,There wasn't Anyone There,as He continued to Walk,Through the Village,Looking for More Titans.

Mothra,Just Now,Catching Up to the Two of Them,Slowed to a Stop,At Matthew's Side as She,Also,Panted,From All the Running that She had did.

"What's...Going on....with Him?" Mothra asked,Slowly,While,Still,Trying to catch Her Breath.

"This was his Village," Matthew pointed Out,In a Sad Tone,Feeling pretty Bad for Godzilla.

"Well,I knew That," Mothra admitted,Firmly.

 "He's looking to See,If Anyone,That,He knew in the Village is Still Alive," Matthew stated,Summarizing,What Godzilla was,Currently,Doing at the Moment.

"So,In Other Words. He's in Denial?" Mothra guessed.

"Pretty Much," Matthew agreed,Agreeing to Mothra's Guess,as He,Then,Followed Godzilla,Deeper in to the Village,To Help Him Search.

"And,We're moving,Again," Mothra complained,as She took Off Running,After the Other Two.

"Hello? Anyone? Please,Somebody,Come Out," Godzilla pleaded as He resumed to Walk,Through the Village,Calling Out for the Other Titans,That,Lived There.

Godzilla,Still,Heard Silence,From,Inside the Burnt Down Huts as He,Then,Fell to his Knees,In Sorrow.

Godzilla buried his Face,In his Hands,as Tears began to flow Down his Cheeks.

Matthew,Once Again,Being the First One,To Catch Up to Him,Stopped,Where He saw Godzilla knelt Down as He sat Down,Onto the Ground,Beside Godzilla,And,Put his Hand on Godzilla's Shoulder.

"G-Godzilla? Are You Okay?" Matthew asked,Nicely,as He sat There,Beside Him.

"No,Matt,No,I'm not," Godzilla confessed,With his Face,Still,Buried in his Hands.

"You know,I've seen You Cry Before," Matthew reminded.

"So?" Godzilla questioned,Wondering,What the Problem was,With Him doing,What He was doing,At the Moment.

"I mean,You don't have to hide It from Me," Matthew notified.

Godzilla uncovered his Face as He,Still,Sat There,Knelt Down on the Ground,Crying.

Matthew,Seeing Him,Still Crying,Put his Arms,Around Him,Hugging Him,Closely,To comfort Him.

"This was Everything,That,I have Ever Known," Godzilla brought Up as He continued to look Down,On the Ground.

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