Chapter 7: Gauntlet Of Traps

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The Next Day.

Mothra opened her eyes to see the day had officially begun.

She stretched and got up.

"Well, I better find some food before the boys get up," Mothra whispered to herself.

She left into the Forest to find food.

Not long after, the boys awoke.

"Hey, where's Mothra?" Godzilla asked.

"Beats me," Matthew responded.

"We should be getting close to my Village,Right?" Godzilla commented.

"Maybe,Probably,okay,I don't know, all I know is I want to get out of this forest,"Matthew responded.

Mothra soon came back with a handful of food.

"Ah, Good morning,Gentlemen," Mothra said.

"Good Morning,Girl," Godzilla replied.

"Good Morning,M," Matthew answered.

"I got food, Worms," Mothra announced.

"Worms,oh,my favorite," Matthew added.

"Yummy, just what we always wanted," Godzilla commented.

Mothra gave both boys a handful of worms.

They looked at it in disgust.

"Come on,boys, eat up," Mothra ordered.

Godzilla quickly put his pile into Matthew's.

"Mm, that was good,I wish I could have more, but I am just so full," Godzilla said.

"Well played," Matthew muttered.

"I thought so," Godzilla replied.

The Trio soon heard a screech.

"What was that?" Mothra asked.

"Uh, Can't we go one minute without running for our lives?" Matthew questioned.

"I'm thinking not," Godzilla added.

"Well, What do we do?" Mothra wondered.

"We split up, Matt, you're with me, M, you head that way," Godzilla commanded.

"I thought that Matthew was in charge," Mothra reminded.

"Besides, I think that I should go with Mothra, you know, since she's a girl and we don't know what's out there, so Big G, head that way, while me and Mothra head this way, we meet up back here," Matthew explained.

" I'm offended by that statement but I appreciate what you're trying to do, so I will ignore it," Mothra responded.

Godzilla became filled with worry, for..... Matthew he didn't want him getting hurt again.

He already almost lost him last night, he didn't want to actually lose him, the next day.

Mothra and Matthew moved through the Forest looking for the sound, they were hearing.

"What do you think it is?" Mothra asked.

"I don't know, but I just want to have five minutes without us having to run for our lives nor do I like the sound of what that thing is," Matthew replied.

Matthew and Mothra walked to another clearing where they saw nothing.

"Nothing, that wasn't nothing," Mothra stated.

"Exactly, something isn't right," Matthew mentioned.

Whatever it was, it was in the trees watching them.

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