Chapter 11: Back in the Forest

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That Night.

Farther Away,From the Temple and the Basilisks,Matthew and Mothra sat Down,Across from Each Other,With a Fire burning,In Front of the Two as They sat There,Silently.

Matthew didn't,Even look at Mothra,He,Just looked Down in Disappointment,Still,Quite Disappointed,That,Godzilla had gotten Hurt.

Matthew turned Around,To Go and Check on Godzilla,as He looked at Godzilla,His Face,Just got Sadder.

Godzilla,Now,Laid,On the Ground,With his Head laying Down against a Rock,With a Blanket draped,Over Him.

"You Think,He's Ever gonna get Better?" Mothra mentioned,Breaking the Silence,The Two were having,as She watched Him,Stare at an Unconscious Godzilla.

Matthew didn't Answer,He,Just sat There,In Silence,Not Knowing,What to say to That,Before,Finally,Starting to say Something.

"I-I don't Know," Matthew muttered.

"You know,That's not really a-" Mothra was about to say.

"I don't Know!!!!" Matthew lashed Out,Angrily.

Mothra didn't say Anything Else,She,Just got Up,And,Walked Away,From Him as She,Now,Stood Away from Him,With her Wings facing Him,While,Having her Arms Crossed.

Matthew Sighed,Realizing his Mistake,as He got Up,As Well.

"I don't Know,Okay,I-I never did,I haven't known,What to do,Since We got trapped in That Temple,I told You Two,I'm not a Leader,And,I can't be One,Godzilla,He-He knew more than I did,He should've been the Leader," Matthew stated as He,Also,Stood Away,From Her,With his Back,Facing Her.

Mothra,Hearing,What He was Saying,Turned Around to look at Him as She saw Him,Facing Away from Her.

"Hey,Godzilla,Believed in You,He believed,That,You would be a Great Leader," Mothra reminded.

"Pfft! Well,He was Wrong,And,Now,He's paying for It," Matthew mumbled to Himself.

"Look,Matthew,I know,The Two of Us might not get Along as Much,As You and Godzilla,But,Believe It or Not,I am,Still,Here for You,You can talk to Me,And,I will Listen,If There is Anything Else,You need to say,Just know,That,I am Here" Mothra reassured.

"Heh,He'd probably say That,Right about Now,If He was awake,Wouldn't He?" Matthew added,Playfully.

"Yes,Yes,He probably would," Mothra agreed as She walked,Over to Godzilla,And,Knelt Down at his Side,While,Smiling,Once She heard Matthew mention his Name.

"I hope,He's gonna be Okay," Matthew said,In a Low Tone as He,Also,Walked Over to Godzilla's Side.

"He will be,He's Godzilla,He'll make It,Through This,Besides,He,Just fainted,From All the Breath,That,He used," Mothra commented,Trying to remain Optimistic,While,Also Attempting to hide her Concerns,For Him,as She sat There,Beside Godzilla,Softing his Head.

"It isn't just That,Mothra,He was attacked,While,He was Out,And,What if He doesn't make It,Huh? What Then?" Matthew brought Up,Wondering,What They would do,If,He didn't make It.

Mothra sat There,In Silence,Not Knowing,What to Say to That.

She didn't know,What They would do if Godzilla didn't make It,The Three of Them started this Mission,And,They wanted It to end,That Way,Too.

"I don't Know," Mothra whispered,Replying to his Question,In Sadness,as She sat There,With her Head lowered.

"Yeah,I thought So," Matthew responded,Firmly,Walking Away,From the Two,Over to the Opposite Side of the Camp,as He laid Down,On the Ground,And,Turned,Onto his Side.

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