Act 3: Arriving Home?

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I don't remember much from my past. Growing up in that cave was all just a blur with training, learning, eating, and sleeping being the main thing I truly remember. However, I do remember specific points in my life were I question my existence. "Don't think!" said a man in an officer uniform, this man was my creator. "A tool of war does not think, they only act when ordered."

Standing out of attention was a younger me who looked to be 10, I stood with a German youth uniform as I was taking his orders and punishments for whenever I disobeyed, complained, or even had think. They were swift as were the scoldings, though I never minded them. To me it all felt natural... I guess being numbed to pain and emotions can do that. During my growth, my other half was still under construction as it was being loaded with new technology and weapon systems that I was trained to fix in the event I'm to begin emergency repairs.

Learning about the tech helped me to keep myself distracted. Studying near the commanders office I was reviewing the mechanisms for the guns when I heard his voice. "What do you mean the project is a bust!" A muffled voice was heard. The young knight looked up from his studies to try and get a peak into the commanders office. He was yelling at another officer who was holding a sheet, 'probably orders from home.' he thought. "We have spent years! Now they want to throw away all the work and progress we've built!"

The old officer shock his head and moved to his chair with a sigh. "How much time do we have?" Through the silent mumbles of the officer, the commander put a hand over his face while sliding it down. He looked out the window to see the almost finished battleship nearing completion. "Tell the men to double their pace and to focus their efforts on project B/443, if were going we'll at lest leave with something to show for it." 

The young knight, not knowing what this mean't for him looked on with indifference as he returned back to his studies. 'best I pick up the pace.' was all I thought of when I heard of the news. I never admitted to knowing, nor lied as they never asked. It was simple, do what your told and eventually you'll make it through... Right?

Timeskip to Present

 In the water ways of the Maple Monarchy, a fleet of warships can be seen traveling down the St. Lawrence sea way. Leading the formation is the minotaur class cruiser Ontario, following behind in a triangle formation is the two Tribal-class destroyers on the the right and left while the C class sails in the middle, these are Haida, Farser, and Cayuga. Following up we have the merchant vessel turned towns class model C2 Prince David following behind, and finally picking up the rear is the rare and few numbered battleship of the maple Monarchy, Yukon.

This would be considered normal for the people living near the water way, if it wasn't for the fact that a seventh ship was following behind them with the Maple Monarchy's flag flying high. This greatly disturbed the people of the North as some either stood still and watched or give a side glance before moving on. In all their lives of being at war, never have the people of the monarchy seen this battleship before. They did not smile and wave like the first six ships, but instead feared it as it not only is unknown but looks to be the beast of the Atlantic... Bismarck.

On broad the unknown battleship, the girls were all sitting in the cafeteria of the ship all looking to were the kitchen was. The sound of chopping, steaming, and anything else that can be heard from a kitchen was all the girls could hear as it's shutters were closed. How they got into this situation is that after the battle (slaughter) the girls all began the long journey home when suddenly they're stomachs all complained about not having food for a good 7 hours.

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