Act 26: The Final Strike

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Hey everyone, sorry for being dead XP. But don't worry, I'm back after a month of just relaxing and getting a credit for school. . . Yeah, so anyway I'll have to say a few things after re-reading some of my older chapters. None of the characters are dead. . . Yet, so for anyone thinking that Graf Spee is dead than no.

Her death was. . . greatly over exaggerated. But other than that, you don't really need to worry for a while until I start doing a few. . . things. . . some very devious things. . .

Ok with that out of the way, enjoy the chapter

Location: . . . Unkown           Time: . . . Unkown

". . . What are you showing me? . . ."

"A weapon miss Ontario."

"Well obviously, but I'm asking what kind of weapon. . . And these design plans, why are they here?"

". . . Master, do you know the state of our war with the sirens?"

"I know the state, we've beaten them back time and time again. What's your point. . ."

". . . How long can we hold? How long until the sirens finally evolved far enough that it becomes impossible to beat them. . ."

". . ."

"The lines have grown stagnant, neither side has made any from of a decisive move to cripple the other. The sirens have what seem like a near infinite amount of resources which has been proven with how many warships they lose for every battle for the duration of this war."

". . ."

"For most, these battles would ultimately lead to a defeat due to the amount of resources lost. Both material and manpower would be irreplaceable to most. . ."

". . . So, you think this can finally end it all?"

". . . Officially speaking, the project never exists. . . It was scrapped because of the potential danger this weapon holds. . . The power of the sun can be a very dangerous thing."

". . . Dear God. . ."

". . ."

"Did they even started it?! Hell, was there even a prototype!?"

". . . No, though designs for the weapon has only ever been drawn up, it was never tested because of the lack of necessary materials. . . Now however. . ."

". . . You're scaring me Arthur. . ."

"I'm only giving you an option, the war has gone on long enough. . . Though I've joined the battle late, I can very well still see the effects its had on everyone. . . Including you, Miss Ontario. . ."

". . . Say we do this, say we make this damn bomb. What then? Do we use it? destroy all known and unknown locations of siren holdouts? Or. . . Point it at everyone that isn't us? . . ."

"No one is innocent in war, Miss Ontario. . . However, it would only be a matter of time before someone else outside of our faction makes weapons like these. . . I've simply given you an option. . . How you use it, is entirely up to you."

". . ."

". . ."

". . . Will it really work? . . ."

"We would need to test fire it, preferable somewhere away from preying eyes. . ."

". . . . . . I'll put my trust in you, so please end this war before something else happens. . ."

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