The gifting ceremony

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    Me and Camilo went to where Dolores was leading us. We saw Mirabel, her mother, and my mom in the kitchen. My mom and Señora Julieta were cooking food whilst Mirabel "gave" the decorations to the casita. "So, Dolores, what do we have to do?" Camilo asked whilst looking around the kitchen. "You need to help hanging the banners. And you, y/n, need to help Isabell with the flowers." Dolores said as she put some of the other decorations we didn't see on the counter to where the banners were gonna be hung.

   "Welp, we better get started! Cya, Camilo!" I said and hugged him then went to go find Isabela. "Ahh young love." I heard my mom say. "Mamaaa!" I heard Camilo groan. I went over to where Isabelle was. I saw her talking to Mariano. I didn't really like him. If I was going to be completely honest, she deserved way better.

  "Hola, Isabela! Hola, Mariano." With not a lot of emotion when greeting Mariano. "Hola, Y/N. Did Dolores tell you to help with the flowers?" Isabela asked. "Yeah she did. The flowers so far are so cute!" I said. She agreed and nodded. "I see this as girl time so adios! Adiós, mi amor." Mariano said as he hugged her. I gave him a disgusted look as he left.

   "So what do you think about the coloring scheme?" I asked her. "Well I know that Antonio's favorite colors are orange and yellow. Maybe we could do that with a mix of a light pink and white?" She suggested. I agreed and we started planning out how we would arrange them. As I went to place some flowers in a vase I bumped into somebody.

    "Lo siento!- Oh it's you Camilo." I said getting off the ground brushing off the dust on my skirt. "The one and only!" He pronounced proudly. "What'd you think about the flower arrangement so far?" I asked looking around. He looked around the casita in amazement. "It's.. beautiful! Almost as beautiful as you.~" he said as he wiggled his eyebrows and moved his shoulders. (I am sorry if that crossed your boundaries or made you uncomfortable.) "Oh be quiet, Madrigal." I said as I put the flowers in the vase.

    He put his hand over his heart and looked at me with some sort of hurt and shocked expression. "Why how hurtful of you, y/n!" He said. "I thought you were helping me, y/n, not flirting with my cousin." Isabela remarked as I turned to face her with a slight pink on my face. Camilo also had that pink tint on his face and went back to decorating. As I walked back to Isabela I saw that same weird green aura. I thought I was just imagining things and went on to help.

                  Hour time skip bc I'm lazy af

Everything was finished. It was time for the visitors. I went to find my mom in the kitchen. I saw her putting more food into a plate to serve. "Hola, mija. Could you go help Señora Alma and check up on your Abuela? Señora Alma is upstairs getting ready to host. Just bring her this water and your Abuela is probably there as well so bring this too." She said handing me the drinks. I went up stairs and knocked on Señora Alma's door.

    "Come in." I heard her say. I slowly opened the door so that way I wouldn't drop the drinks. "Oh hello, Y/N. Nice seeing you again." Señora said. "Nice seeing you too. Hola abuela. My mama said to bring you two these." I said as I gave them their drinks.. "Gracias, mija. You should go help your boyfriend greet the guests." My abuela said and winked at me. I saw both of them grin at each other. "Abuelaaaaa he's not my boyfrienddd.! But I will check up on him." I said. "You may say that now but soon." She said as I walked out. I closed the door and heard them laughing.

I basically flew down the stairs and ran straight out the door to tackle Camilo. Remember kids, revenge is a dish best served cold and surprised. I threw myself right on Camilo. "AHAH! PAY BACK FOR ALMOST KILLING ME EARLIER!" I said proudly looking slightly up into the sky. "Ack.. that actually really hurt." He said rubbing his head "Wait actually? Are you okay?" I said frantically.

"I'm just messing with ya! Of course I'm okay! You're so gullible. Y/n!" Camilo said laughing. "Well wasn't sure if you were actually hurt so." I said rubbing the back of my neck. He got up and brushed the dirt of his clothing. "Oh look! The guests are starting to arrived!" He pointed out. "Alright then, you greet them over here in this side I'll be on the right." I said to him. He nodded yes in agreement. And with that we started our job. This was going to take a while. Camilo shape shifted into the guests as greeting them. I basically just hugged and shook their hands.

           Time skip to the inside the casita

  "Okay. I'll see you in Antonio's new room, y/n. Bye!" Camilo yelled whilst going to where Antonio was supposed to come from. "See you!" I yelled back to him. I headed over to my family who were near the bottom of the stairs to the right of it. "Y/n where were you? I didn't see you basically the whole time here!" My papa said. "Lo siento, papa. I was busy helping around the hous-" I stopped as my papa started talking again. Something caught my eye. I once again saw the green aura. But this time I had a better look, it had this black cloak.. I think I need to get myself checked out.

I snapped back into reality when I saw my papa waving his hand in front of my face. "Hello? HELLOWWW?! Y/N are you there?" He yelled. "Yeah, yeah sorry. Just zoned out." I said. "Aish okay. Oh look it's starting!" He pointed out. I saw Señora Alma walking down the stairs with the magical candle that never went out.

"Over 50 years ago, we were blessed with a miracle." And she went on until she announced Antonio. "Now it's time for a new gift to be added to the family. Antonio, please come out." With that the curtains hiding him were drawn. He stood there and looked to the left side of the curtain. He held out his hand. I wondered why until i realized that he was reaching out for Mirabel. And just like that she slowly came out and took his hand. Whispers emerged around me as they walked up the stairs. Mirabel stopped near Señora Julieta as she watched Señora Alma tell Antonio use his powers for good. Antonio touched the candle then let go of it. He slowly walked to his new door and hesitantly touched it. The door appeared with sparkles and light when a Toucan landed on Antonio's arm.

"Uh huh. Uh huh! Yeah I can understand you!" I heard Antonio say. I guess his powers were communicating with animals. "Of course they can!" Whos they..? I thought. As if my question was answered at the speed of light, not animals came from the sky, door and windows. There were Toucans, capibaras, lemurs, and a jaguar almost knocked over my papa! There was this one Lemur specifically that didn't really go to Antonio and just stayed near my mama. She pet it and let it climb on her.

"Let's give it up for a gift on this family!!" Señora Alma said and we applauded. She opened the door and people came rushing in. I went to go find Antonio to congratulate him and give him a stuffy I was hiding from him. I saw him near Señora Pepa. I ran to hug him. "Congratulations on your new gift, Antonio," I exclaimed as I hugged him "Here, a new plushy! It's a toucan! I thought you would like it and it actually matches perfectly with your new gift!" I said. "Thank you, N/n!" (Nickname) Antonio said as he hugged me. I hugged him back. He was what I imagined having a little brother would be like.

"Y/n." Señora Pepa called me over. "Sí Señora?" I said as I went over to her. "Thank you for helping with the ceremony today. And thank you for giving Antonio a gift! I think he really likes it. Also Camilo is probably looking for you! You should go find him!" She said. "You are very welcome! He's like a little brother to me! And yeah I should probably look for him. Bye!" I said

That was a lot. 1469 words.

Shape of you~ Camilo Madrigal x (female) readerWhere stories live. Discover now