All these years, in here.

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As Mirabel landed on the floor, the family looked at her in confusion. I almost laughed but quickly covered my mouth with my hand. As I was paying attention to Mariano proposing to Isabela, I saw two animals with the green shards under the table. Mirabel noticed too. She rushed under the table to get it. I saw Luisa struggling to carry the piano. She eventually stopped and broke down on tears. (Poor Luisa. Probably dealing with so much anxiety and pressure.)

The table was a complete disaster. Señora Pepa was thundering, Luisa was crying on the floor, there were cracks everywhere and Everybody looked uncomfortable. I guess Señora Alma had enough.

"What in the world is going on here?!" She yelled standing up. Dolores stood up. "MIRABEL WENT INTO TÍO BRUNOS TOWER FOUND A VISION OF THE CASITA BREAKING AND NOW WE ARE ALL DOOMED!" She yelled with her eyes twitching.

Señora Peñas cloud got worse and it was basically a tornado. The wind from it made the windows open "Congrats oh-" the townsfolk were about to say. The windows closed again.

    As Mirabel tried to get the shards, she was picked up by the wind and the animals aswell as the vision went straight to Señora Alma. I felt the casita shake a bit. Cracks were on the outside of the walls. I saw the candle from the backyard and I saw it almost go out. The doors were flickering too. I looked back to see one of Isabelas plants gone hay wire and hot Mariano in his ugly fat nose. I grinned but stopped when the Guzmans ran out of the house. The family was going after them.

  "Wait!" Señora Alma said. I quietly went outside to the front of the casita to see Mirabel standing in front. She looked worried and guilty. She went back inside. It looked as if she saw something. I looked around to see if everyone was fine but I guess Camilo spotted me because he ran up to me and hugged me.

   "Camilo! Are you okay?" I asked rubbing his back. He let go and looked at me in the eyes. "It was a disaster! I noticed the Casita cracking, everyone was freaking out, our powers weren't working properly, it went wrong in every way!" He said. "Do you maybe know why this happened?" He asked me.

  I sighed. "You remember what Dolores said right? About the vision thing. Well Mirabel and I put it together and we saw all three of us in front of the Casita with cracks on it. We don't know when it's going to but at least we know what is going to on happen." I said explaining to the boy. We looked up because we heard his name being called.

  "Well, gotta go." He said quickly hugging me and leaving. I went back inside and rushed upstairs to see where Mirabel was. I saw her in a corridor looking at a painting. "Mirabel!" I said. She turned around and looked at me.

   "Did you see that?" She asked me. I looked at her with confusion. "See what exactly?" I said looking at where she was looking. I noticed the painting was slightly tilted so I went to go fix it. But when I did, it didn't go back in place. It actually opened. I saw a little mouse in the entrance of it. It was holding a green shard!

    "Should we go in?" I asked looking back at her. She nodded and went in first. I ducked and got in after her. It was dark but we could still see. The mouse went straight forward and stopped. I thought that was odd until it got picked up. "OH HELL TO THE FUCKING NO!" I yelled. Thunder was seen and heard outside. A crack in the wall brought some of the light, and there he was. The man in the cape with the ominous green aura. Bruno. He looked at us and dashed the other way.

   "Wait!" Mirabel yelled at him and ran. "Oh shit here we go again." I mumbled and ran after her. There were so many twists and turns, floor boards, and support. I almost hit my head on one. Mirabel bumped into a wall and I heard a familiar scream. It was Camilo. I laughed a little but kept running. Then Mirabel came to a sudden stop. I stopped too. We both looked down to see a hole with fog over it. I was about to tell her we should go back when she tried to jump over it. She almost made it when the floor beneath her broke and now she was hanging on  a beam.

   "Help me Y/n!" She said frantically hanging on for her dear life. I tried reaching her but couldn't. My arm was to short to. I tried to find other things to help her with. "Help!" She yelled again and again. That's when I saw Bruno grab her hand. They had a staring contest for five seconds when he said "You're very sweaty." And fell down. Now they were hanging on for dear life Mirabel looked down at him and that's when a rat came out of his hood. "AGH!" She yelled. And let go of him. "NOO!" I yelled. "MIRABEL WHAT THE FU-" I was about to curse when I saw Bruno pop out. He waved his hand over the fog.

    "Hm." He said and got out helping Mirabel. I went over to where they were. Me and Mirabel just stared at him whilst he was intensely staring at us. "Bye." He simply said and walked off.

  "Wait!" Mirabel said and went after him. 'Bitch, not again.' I thought to myself before going after the both of them. "All these years, you've been all alone by yourself in the walls..?" Mirabel said. He nodded. "Knockonwoodknockonwoodknockonwood!" He whispered knocking on the wooden beams and on his head. I looked at him weirdly. He got a bowl of salt and threw some behind him, hitting Mirabel. "Bleh." She said.

   I giggled. 'What you fucking get for making me run basically a mile.' I thought to myself with a mischievous smirk. He threw some more which landed on her again. I laughed. She sent me a angry glare and faced forward again. "Have you been.. patching the grass..?" She asked her Tío.

   "Oh no I dont. Hernando does all the work. I'm too scared to go near those things." He said casually stopping.

   "Who's Hernando-" I was about to ask when he cut me off. "I'm Hernando and im scared of nothing!" Bruno stated with a proud tone and a hoodie on his head..? He took of his hoodie. "Heh it's actually me. I used to say my real talent was 'acting'." he said. Mirabel and I awkwardly looked at each other. "So how long have you been in here?" She asked as we kept moving forward. He lead us to a secret room and opened it revealing a room with a bunch of rats, and rat things as well as a maroon red plush Victorian chair. He slumped down onto it.

   "I'm not exactly sure. You know, time goes by fast when you're with these guys." He said grabbing on of his rats. We sat down on a bench in front of him.

End of this chapter! Well little update on my life, our court session is gonna be at the end of the month. Things have been getting better and I really just wanted to say thank you for all of your support, it means the absolute world to me! Thank you for 1 k reads!

   Again, drink water, eat food, get rest, go outside, and stay safe for me my lovely's! Bye bye!
      -Nico xoxo

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