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        Camilos pov:

    We walked around the village to see if anybody needed help. There was a lady who needed help getting something that she some how lost up in a tree. I shape-shifted into the highest jumper in town and grabbed it. She thanked me and we went on our way.

     "Camilo, what do we do now? There's not much for us to do. Either nobody needs help or your familia is already helping them." She said playing with her hair. "Well, mi amor, we can go to your house and check on your parents," I said to her. I saw a small pink on her cheeks then she nodded "Alright let's goo!" I said putting her on my back and running to her house.

    "AHHHH! WHAT THE FUCK!! SLOW THE FUCK DOWNN!" She yelled at me. People were looking at us weirdly but smiled once they saw us laughing. "I said slow down not speed up bitch!" She said laughing and playfully smacking me.*Gasp* "How dare you Y/n L/n! Hurting the person who brought you up to your house? Is this how you treat me?" I said jokingly offended.

    "That's what the fuck you get! I almost fell off and died MULTIPLE times! Do you think I would treat you as a prince?" She said laughing. "Stupid little bit-" "AY! NO SWEARING! I TOLD YOU ALREADY!" My mama yelled at me out no where. "Ho- wha- with all so respect, where in the world did you come from, Señora Pepa..?" Y/N said confused.

    "Well, your mama needed help with something and we came to help her." My mama said. A 'o' shaped formed on her lips.

   "Hola, mija! Hola, Camilo! How was your little sleepover?" Her mama said. "You should've saw them M/n! They were sleeping in the same bed and Dolores said that they even kissed each other!" My mama said. Y/n and I both blushed a deep red.

     Our mamas looked at us with smirks on their faces. "Sooo you two.. what are you guys now huh? Maybe girlfriend and boyfriend..?" Her mama said going to my mama and crossing her arms. Y/N panicked "Uhh no we aren't! We did not kiss! Dolores must've heard us wrong or something!" She said frantically. "Sounds like YOU are in denial." My mama said. "Well uhm- uh-" "Well it's been nice but we gotta go! Adios!" I said grabbing y/n's hand and running off.

       "OH MY GOD, FOR THE THIRD TIME SLOW THE HECK DOWNN!!" She yelled whilst I obviously ignored her. I ran into the casita and into my room.

     "Dolores, cover your ears. For your own sake," she said. "CAMILO. WHAT. THE. ACTUAL. FUCKKKKKKKK?!" She yelled at me. I immediately regretted doing that. I mean when a women yells at you especially that loud you know you screwed up. "I ALMOST DIED BITCH! WE RAN BASICALLY ALL OVER THE VILLAGE, DO YOU WANT ME TO DIE BECAUSE OF THAT?" She yelled loudly at me. I closed my eyes shut and covered my eyes.

   She seemed to take notice as she stopped yelling. I opened my eyes too see her stooping down to my level. "I apologize for yelling. I was just scared." She said.

(I'm sorry but who the actually heck gets scared cause of running? My friend recommended this scene to me and I just agreed cause I don't have anymore ideas. Whatever.)

    "Yeah it's fine. I should've stopped running so fast. You were just yelling a lot. And I mean a lot." I said. "Heh yeah. I wonder if Dolores is okay." She said as we both laughed imagining her hearing Y/n yell at me. "My ears are not okay. This gift is both great and also feels like absolute hell when stuff like this happens." Dolores said as she peaked in the door.

    Y/n and I just laughed. "I'm so sorry, Dolores! I mean, I told you to cover your ears before hand." Y/n said laughing. "Yeah, I did. News flash, it didn't work." Dolores said and walked off.

  "Today was an interesting one." I said. "Indeed it was, Camilo, indeed it was." She responded.

Shape of you~ Camilo Madrigal x (female) readerWhere stories live. Discover now