What the fuck did we do?

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"Uhh.. hola, papá..?" Mirabel said awkwardly. Señor Aguístin looked at the both of us, jaw opened.
"What.. the happened? How did you two get those?" He said walking up towards us. We looked at each other and Mirabel sighed.

"It's not we, I did it. I didn't want Y/n to get in trouble but I needed to see what would happen to the casita so I went in to Tíos Bruno's tower and got these green shards, we put it together, and now its a picture of me, y/n and, Camilo standing in front of the broken casita." Mirabel said quickly.

Señor Aguístin looked at us again with his jaw basically on the ground. He carefully pushed us aside and gathered all the pieces. "You never went into Bruno's tower, you never got these, you never assembled it, and you never saw the casita cracking. Don't let anybody know." He whispered stuffing them all into her little purse.

That's when we heard and oddly familiar squeak. We turned to look the direction it came from. We saw Dolores. "I heard.." and she scrambled off. We all looked at each other with a "We're screwed" face.

(OoOoo time skip to the dinner oOoOoo)

I nervously went outside the casita, hiding behind a barrel that was outside near the dinner table. I watched as the Madrigals and the Guzmans sat down. There was a very awkward staring contest between Dolores and Mirabel. As Mirabel was putting the rice on her plate (Idk what she putting on her plate in the movie) Mariano asked Mirabel if she wanted water. She got startled and said "Uh no thank you." That's when she turned back around to see Dolores telling Camilo what happened.

   He had a weird yet funny reaction shift shaping into me, Mirabel, Bruno, then back to himself. His eyes were oddly separated as if he was a Chameleon.
(I JUST REALIZED MAYBE THATS WHY HIS EYES WERE LIKE THAT! LIKE HE HAS CHAMELEONS ON HIS RUANA SO MAYBE THATS WHY!) I saw Señor Félix whisper something to Camilo and Camilo shook his head putting his eyes back in place.

     I saw Señora Alma laugh awkwardly and pour some more wine in Señora Guzmans cup. Then I saw Camilo tell his papa what happened. He chocked and spit out his water making it go all over Mariano's shirt. I smiled at the sight of his uncomfortable face. (I'm sorry I really don't like him for some reason.) The table was now so awkward. Then I saw Camilos papa lean over to his mamá and tell her. A cloud formed above her head telling me she was anxious. She started frantically rubbing her braid and I saw her mumbling "Clear skies, clear skies."

The table was soon becoming a mess with all of the things that were happening. Señora Alma looked concerned at everyone on the table.

"Is everything alright..?" She said. Mirabel jumped off her chair and went straight to Mariano. 'Oh shit this is gonna be bad.' I thought to myself. "Yes we all are! Well once Mariano proposes to Isabela!" She said in an awkwardly happy tone.

"Well, since everyone is here, how about Mariano sing us a song?" Señora Guzmán said "Luisa? Could you get the piano." Luisa's lips started quiver as she went to go get it. "WELL ITS ACTUALLY A UHM FAMILY TRADITION THAT HE SINGS UHH AFTER HE PROPOSES!" Mirabel yelled making him get on one knee infront of Isabela. Everyone looked at her in confusion. Then Mariano started proposing to her. That's when I noticed cracks on the floor. Mirabel noticed too as she jumped to the floor trying to hide it.

End of this chapter! I am sorry I didn't finish it. There may or may not be a chapter tomorrow finishing this scene.

    Eat food, drink water, get rest, and go outside for me! Bye bye my loves!

           -Nico xoxo

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