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I didn't look him in the face directly, so he didn't  know I was coming his way. I just quietly walked up to his table with my hands slammed on it then made eye contact with him directly and then waited for him to speak.....and just as i expected he spoke.

       "you know it's rude to interfere with one's privacy without permission right?' he let out a throaty chuckle without raising up his face.

what??!! privacy??? what was he saying?....." you know it's rude to avoid someone and make them look for you right??" I spoke with sarcasm in my tone. this time he looked up at me.

" I wasn't avoiding you girl, besides why're you looking for me?" he arched an eyebrow as if knowing what exactly i was here for and he was just waiting for me and here i was.... hmmm 

' i just wanted to thank you for helping me out the other day, and why the hell did you just disappear all of a sudden?' i asked with curiosity . Without giving him a chance to even answer the question I had just asked him I threw another one at him ..." why make me look all around school for you??" "you wanted attention so here it is.. i'm right here.... go on" but after my questions he just sighed and diverted the conversation to another angle entirely......

   COFFEE???    he asked while beckoning on the waiter..... the waiter took our orders and Harden decided to start a conversation with me... was Mr. badboy becoming a softie?? 

" so, girl.... i interrupted  "i have a name by the way, it's Lily" but he just ignored me.... oh sure!! i rolled my eyes.. we had a nice conversation and a good time but it was getting late... "Mr. badboy was actually not a bad person....we had even talked about the preparation for our swimming presentation and it actually was turning out pretty great because i was the one doing most of the work, OBVIOUSLY!! " Mr. badboy just sat there sipping his coffee , i didn't even know if he was listening. The only thing he had suggested was him showing me his place while he drove me home because that was where we were doing the practice. it was NOT even going to be in my house even if i had a pool. 

He had paid for the order and was driving me home, i had even fell asleep when a hand on my shoulder jolted me back to reality. we had arrived at his house and this place looked very familiar because IT WAS JUST A FEW STEPS AHEAD OF MY HOUSE!! what??? MY NEIGHBOUR ... what's the worse that could still happen??? i told him my house was just a few steps away and he seemed really chill about it cause we could rehearse anytime now. this " Mr.badboy "was so different from the rest.. at least i thought.... it was 6: 45 PM so the pool side was getting a bit dark but was still beautiful. His house was big and shone with different colours.. OMG!! i felt like i was in a mansion. 

we  got closer to the pool and saw someone inside... that person looked exactly like Harden but had green eyes and his jawline was the definition of PERFECT!!! who was that????...

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