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His eyes shone brightly even if the whole world was filled with darkness . I could tell he was unlike Harden, Something about him felt different. WOW! Lily you just met this guy and you're foretelling his life story already.. just WOW!

It was getting pretty late and i needed to head home quick  .... i turned to leave, but Harden held me back... I couldn't deal with him right now... couldn't he see that someone was in the pool?

  " where do you think you're going?" he asked , his eyes directly focused on mine

" there's someone in the pool, can't you see?" I darted my head towards the person in the pool with my eyes still fixed on Harden's .

" SO?" TF did he mean by so?? I arched an eyebrow telling him i didn't get what he meant. he seemed to have gotten my message so he continued talking. " yoo!!! , TIM" he called over to the person in the pool and it seemed like they were familiar with each other , they looked alike so they must be related. 

" That's Timler, my brother, twin actually." looked like we had a lot in common already. I and Tim had a brief intro before I and Harden headed down to my place. I also told him about Tricia and he seemed pretty interested and entertained by ME.. YEP!! i actually liked having him around and enjoyed his presence too. 


I had woken up to 10 missed calls from an unknown number, and it rang again this time, i picked up the call. A coarse yet sexy voice woke me up from my slumber and it was " Mr. badboy" .. How did he get my  number??

Lily!!" Mum called

"someone's here to see you",  i wasn't expecting any visitor so who could it be?? i quickly put on an orange top and some white joggers before rushing down the stairs and who i saw scared the shit out of me

what was he doing here??? "Harden outside, NOW!!!!

" what're you doing here?"i folded my arms in between each other

"well, we have a competition to practice for and we need to start practicing if we want to get an A"

" And since when did you start caring for your grades?" hmm??

 " who said i didn't??" we both stared at ourselves for a while then let laughter occupy the whole place.

" alright then, let's get to work"  i got my swimming suit ready and put everything i needed into my knapsack and headed out with Harden. during this short period of time i had gotten used to having him around and TESSA was just no where to be found!...

we practiced a lot of styles - the backstroke, freestyles, breaststroke and even the butterfly and that's what we decided to go with. He had thought me many things i didn't know about before. After practice, Harden invited me over to his place for lunch and i couldn't refuse after all he had seen my house before, so what was the harm in seeing his besides he lives in a mansion compared to my flat. I remembered about the call this morning and decided to ask him before entering into the main building.

" how did you get my number?" i gave him a demanding look , but he seemed to not be intoxicated by it ;rather, he moved closer and whispered into my ears.

" hmmmm... let me just say i have my sources" and he disappeared once again he had left me speechless , but this time, I didn't allow him to escape from my sight and ran up to him. 


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