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A/N: Song recommendation: Pascal Letoublon - Friendships (Lost my Love) (Lyric Video) feat. Leony


In the parking garage she got into her jet-black Toyota RAV4 - elegant, spacious and yet inconspicuous, since it felt like every third citizen drove such a car.

Her way led her to Chinatown, she parked a little aside and climbed on the roof of one of the houses.

She jumped from roof to roof until she arrived back where she had spent several nights. She was at the building across from Bucky's apartment and had the perfect view into the living room.

The apartment was dark, all you could see was the cat in the window watching the streets.

'Don't worry little kitty, when Bucky is done I'll take you home.'

She knew that Bucky didn't have to work today and that he was probably on his way home from visiting his sister, so she decided to meet him a little bit.

Halfway she saw him from some distance, as usual he was dressed dark, his long hair falling into his face as he looked at his cell phone. In his left hand he had a bag full of ordered food.

She climbed back onto one of the rooftops and followed him. Again and again she deliberately laughed loudly, clapped or whistled, and again and again Bucky looked around but could not spot her.

When they had just reached the alley where they had seen each other for the first time in a long time, she whistled again. Bucky stopped abruptly and looked around again.

"Honestly Rose? Mind games?" his voice was low and firm, not a hint of uncertainty.

She jumped once across the alley to another building and landed on the fire escape there.

"Damn it Rose. Either finish what you started or don't. It's getting childish."

Rose continued to just sit there silently watching him look at her and talk to her.

"Oh yaa sure. Silence always did a lot of good mh? You know what? You show up here out of nowhere, accusing me of something that never happened but no Rosie thinks she's right because she always is, right? She can't even be wrong, huh? You stick to your side of the story without even considering listening to the other side. And now you feel strong, you think you have everything under control, you have me under control. But you know what Rose? You're not in control of anything. You think you're free but in the end you're still Hydra's little puppet - even years after they've been overthrown."

Rose had heard enough, she jumped down from the fire escape into the alley and landed firmly on her two legs.

"Oh there she is." Bucky gingerly placed his shopping bag on one of the window sills and laughed to himself, shaking his head.

Just as he turned around he saw Rose throw a throwing knife at him, he caught it in mid-air just inches from his head.

"Stop saying shit like that or the next one will land right between your eyes." Rose was furious her voice was literally shaking.

"Oh she can talk. What's the matter honey? Are you mad?"

They both faced each other for a few feet and slowly started walking towards each other.

"Angry would be an understatement, James."

"Then why can I see you shaking? Scared?"

Rose rolled her eyes over.
By now they were nose to nose, looking deep into each other's eyes, and both more than pissed at the other.

'Till the End of Time  - Bucky Barnes x OC - Eng.Where stories live. Discover now