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A/N: Song recommendation Kitty Kallen - It's been a long Time


the next morning

Bucky had held Rose in his arms until her tears had dried. Then they had snuggled together on the couch and watched Disney movies until they both fell asleep.

In the morning, Bucky was awake before Rose, trying to get off the couch as quietly and unobtrusively as possible so as not to wake Rose. For a brief moment he looked at her lying there on the couch, asleep and peaceful. He couldn't quite realize that the time had come for them to start all over again.

Rose woke up when she heard noises coming from the kitchen, she got up and followed them. She found Bucky in the kitchen, standing at the stove with his back turned, turning pancakes in the pan. She sat down on one of the stools that were at the kitchen counter and watched him. He was so engrossed in his element that he didn't notice her.

"Pancakes, then?"

"Fuck. Rose you scared me."
Bucky turned to her, his shirt covered in flour and batter.
"Yeah, blueberry pancakes. You still like those don't you?"

"Ohyeah, preferably with lots of maple syrup."

"Figures. And that's when people wondered why I always called you Honey or Sugar."

Rose walked once around the kitchen block and grabbed one of the finished pancakes and took a big bite.

"Yeah, I'm puzzled." She grinned and gave Bucky a kiss on the cheek.

On one hand it felt weird to be so familiar with Bucky again but on the other she just enjoyed it.

When Bucky was done with his cooking, they both had breakfast together.

"Thanks Buckster." She put her hand on his.

"No problem, pancakes are quick to make and I know how much you like them."

"Yeah for the pancakes too but thanks for everything."

Bucky looked at her ignorantly, not knowing what exactly she was talking about.

"For taking care of me the way you did and for yesterday. We were both stubborn and I hope we can start over from scratch?"

"I'd love to, Rosie." He stroked the back of her hand with his thumb.
"I'm going to go into town for some quick shopping then. Will you come with me?"

"Mhh...I'd love to but I need to get in the shower and change clothes first. What do you say you go shopping and I'll freshen up in the meantime and then we'll go for a walk and explore the city?"

He stood up, cleared the dining room table and gave her a kiss on her forehead.
"Sounds perfect."

Bucky strolled through the small town as he had so many times before. You could almost believe that time had stood still here, no modern straight concrete blocks but charming old buildings. No house resembled the other and each distinguished itself with an old-romantic architecture.
The city did not seem bland at all, with all its colorful facets.

After he had done the shopping, he decided to make a small round through the city, he knew he could take his time, Rose would surely undergo a beauty program.

He wandered through the alleys, literally studying the shop windows, until he passed a small diner.

The diner drew him as if under a spell, now he felt 100% transported back in time.
From the outside it looked relatively inconspicuous, he had probably passed it 50 times unsuspecting, but when you looked through the glass front stopped your breath.

'Till the End of Time  - Bucky Barnes x OC - Eng.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें