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A/N: Beyond the veil - Lindsay Stirling (audio)

some weeks later

A few weeks had passed and Rose had settled in relatively well at headquarters. With Steve it was almost like back then and she also trained with him regularly.
Nat and Clint became pretty good friends for Rose in the meantime, which might be due to their similar past.

With Bucky the mood kept within limits, he and Rose tried to avoid each other as much as possible, he couldn't stand not being able to touch her or just pour his heart out to her.

The only contact they had was when one of them woke up screaming from nightmares, the other one was there immediately. Since their cats had become friends and were pretty much inseparable, the bathroom doors were open at all times of the day and night so they could always see each other.

Rose spent every day researching who was responsible for breaking into Bucky and her apartments.
She rarely left the room, usually only to work out or eat.

So she sat again for some hours in her room at the laptop, surrounded with documents and files, she literally worked her way through Bucky's and her past. At the same time she listened to music from the 40s, which helped her to relax and keep a cool head.
While researching, she often forgot time and space, so engrossed was she in all the bad things they had both been responsible for.

"Rose?" she heard from some distance That could only be Bucky, because since the bathroom doors were open the word privacy had also gone down the drain.

"No, I don't have time."

"You don't know what I want, do you?"

"James, I've known you long enough to know that tone of voice doesn't usually mean anything good."

"My tone? I just wanted to ask you if you needed anything from the supermarket. Sam and I are going into town."

"Sweets, preferably chocolate and sour snakes and something to munch on, chips or something. Thanks." She gave him in reply without turning around.

Bucky just rolled his eyes over.
"Sugar, sugar and more sugar. Not long now and this woman will soon be a sugar cube herself."

Rose had spent the last few weeks researching and eating tons of sweets and snacks, so much that there was nothing left in the entire headquarters.

The whole martyrdom, which she underwent, did not remain completely unnoticed. Despite the training and the super soldiers metabolism had settled on her hips small pads. From all the sugar and caffeine she pumped into herself, she was almost unable to rest, she was like a bouncy ball that couldn't sit still for two seconds. She had problems falling asleep and we don't even want to talk about the nightmares, because they became more and more frequent and violent due to her new lifestyle.

A few days ago she had another nightmare, she was screaming again and Bucky came running, but she wasn't awake, she was in a trance and thought her dream was real.
Bucky had tried to calm her down but it didn't work, she even went for his throat. Bucky, who couldn't break free of her grip without hurting her, almost turned blue before Sam stormed into the room. He was awakened not by the screams but because Rose was speaking to Bucky in Russian at a rather high volume.
Sam didn't know what else to do and just dumped a bucket of water over her head. She woke up immediately and was in shock when she realized what had happened and when she saw Bucky who had finally torn himself from her grip and was gasping for air.

That was the only time something like that happened, but she still felt guilty.

Not knowing who was after her and Bucky was driving her crazy. It didn't make any sense, it couldn't be Hydra, they wouldn't exist anymore. It couldn't be her employer who wanted Bucky dead, because her research showed that he had been murdered two days before the break-ins. All other persons for whose sorrow they had been responsible, were either long dead or the relatives were simple citizens.

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