Ch. 3 - Tokyo

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The flight to Tokyo was rather short. It wasn't too dreadfully far anyways.
You were always happy to travel seeing as it was easy for you and a good way to escape the watchful eye of your grandfather.

You came down the escalator with your suitcase, admiring the floor below as you descended.
Suddenly your eye caught a sign with your family name written on it in sloppy kanji. Your eyes traveled the arms that held the sign until a familiar crop of white hair caught them. You've got to be kidding me.

"What are you doing here?" You hissed with a hint of hostility, grabbing his arm and forcing it down.

"Well hello to you, too!" He laughed and moved so his dumb sign was held underneath his arm.

"How did you know I was coming?" You had a rage behind your eyes. "Are you stalking me?"

"No," he shrugged and answered simply. "But it's kinda hard not to know you're coming when you get a call from Kyoto with an angry voice on the other end screaming, 'my granddaughter is coming to Tokyo on this day at this time. Stay away from her!'"

"He's his own worst enemy," you facepalmed.

"So, where's your hotel?" He asked, reaching into his hands to pull out car keys.

"Not far," you shrugged, accepting the free ride. You might as well avoid the subway.

The two of you got into his car, a quite nice one at that - the smell of brand new leather hitting your nostrils as you took a seat.

"Looks like the school pays you well," you noted as you slipped the seatbelt over your body.

"That and family money, yeah," he chuckled and pressed the start button, the car shuttering to life. You then gave him the hotel address which he plugged into the GPS.
"How long are you in town?" He asked as he peeled into the street.

"Just for the week," you looked out the window at the large buildings, much larger and more modern than that in Kyoto. "Hey...are you really going to drive with that on?" You asked about the blindfold.

"Yeah, it's not like I can't see out of it," he answered. "Any plans to attend any strip clubs?" He teased.

"No," you scoffed and answered seriously, "here on business."

"Oh come on, that's no fun," he tilted his head playfully while still staring at the road. "Live a little, you're in Tokyo!"

"Please, I've been to more amazing places," you crossed your arms and leaned toward the door as a way to distance yourself.

"Well, you've never gotten the Satoru tour," he glanced your way but you ignored his gaze.

"I've no interested in gallivanting around the city with some strange Playgirl," you shivered. "I'm sure my grandfather wants me to stay away from you for a reason."

"Your grandfather is completely out of touch..." he trailed off, "but I can't blame him there." He gave a laugh that came from deep within his chest. "My offer still stands, just give me a ring." He pulled the car to the side of the road in front of your hotel.

"Thanks but no thanks," you replied, quickly maneuvering your body out of the vehicle. "But thanks for the ride," you turned and said before shutting the door.

"Don't mention it, I'll see you later," he waved in a teasing tone.

"No you will not," you muttered to yourself as you entered the hotel.

The task you were sent to handle wouldn't occur until the end of the week. You were ultimately given a free week of travel, your manager expecting you to schmooze with the executives at corporate but you knew you wouldn't be doing that.
You had been to Tokyo plenty of times, most of those times not even on business. But considering you were stuck there until the week was out, no friends to hangout with, it was already boring. You had just been relaxing on the bed, scrolling through your phone with the television on in the background.

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