Ch. 18 - Fruition

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It took you a minute and you nearly missed the call while recombobulating yourself, but you were able to answer just before that final ring.

"Hello?" You answered, receiving yet another unexpected call from your grandfather. You were hesitant seeing as the last time he called you had received some of the worst news of your life.

"Hi, sweetheart," his voice warmly greeted. He was clearly being sensitive seeing as he didn't know the status of whatever the hell was going on between you and thorn in his side - Gojo Satoru. "How are you doing?"

"I'm alright, why do you ask?" You responded calmly as Gojo approached your seated figure on the edge of the bed. He had changed into just a new pair of boxer briefs after your session. 

"When I saw you today at the school, things with Gojo didn't seem very good," you could hear his attempts to hide his smile. "I wanted to see how you're holding up."

"I thought Gojo told you what happened," you smirked, crossing one arm across your chest as the other held the phone out while he was on speaker. Gojo smiled along with you upon hearing your grandfather's disappointment.

You heard a loud sigh over the phone before Gakuganji chose to speak up again. "So he wasn't joking around..."

"I never joke!" Gojo responded, giving away the fact that Gakuganji was on speaker phone. "I love this girl with all my being!"

"You can't love her and sleep with other women," you could hear the rage being held back in your grandfather's voice as you sat by, curious to see how the conversation would play out.

"I'll have you know, old man, that I haven't slept with anyone for weeks!" That sounded a lot worse out loud. You resisted the urge to facepalm. 

"And it was under a mutual understanding of our open relationship," you muttered, coming up with a lie quick. You had become accustomed to lying over the past few months. 

"But that part has come to a close, especially now that we're engaged," Gojo sang out in his musical voice, making your face turn bright red. That was the one detail you hadn't finished discussing

From there, you could only hear a loud, annoyed groan before the line went dead. Gakuganji had thought he had at least your breakup with Gojo to feel good about, but now with Itadori still alive and your relationship supposedly still going strong he had about nothing!

"We still have to talk about that," you flattened your expression as you looked up at Gojo.

"What? You don't want to marry me now?" He pouted for a moment.
He then walked over to his pants that were still in a puddle on the floor and fished out the engagement ring you had shoved back at him. 

"It as a fake engagement!" You reiterated as he grabbed your hand and was about to slip it back on your finger. 

He hesitated to your sentence, standing back straight as he looked down at you with a rather satisfied looking expression. "You're right."

"Satoru..." you gave a cautious tone. 

"Seems like we'll have to keep up this façade a little while longer. We'll just have a long 'fake' engagement until I actually get to pop the question," he grinned. 

"And what if we don't work out?" You gave him a suspicious look to see how he could weasel out of it.

"Not possible," he pointed at you with that good, ol' Gojo smile still on his face. "Besides, I need to change that last name as soon as possible." He teased.

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