Ch. 10 - Affinity

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"What weird thing?!" You asked in a whiny voice. "We're fuck buddies, friends with benefits...though I hesitate to even call you a friend! It's not that hard! You're my boyfriend when we're in public together, just....roommates when we're alone!"

Gojo crumpled his face. He desperately wanted to say what he wanted to, but that would just cause everything to become all that more chaotic. 
He had wanted to say...yell even...that it was weird and confusing to have to go from a friend to a boyfriend, from someone who just fucked you for fun to someone who did fuck you like he loved you.

"Whatever," he gave up, muttering under his breath.

"That's not like you," you noted, coming back to sit down as he walked down the hall. "You're not one to give up like that."

"My head hurts," he continued muttering.

"What? Did you actually drink?" You tormented him further.

"No," he replied angrily, turning back to look at you again. His voice was slightly whiny. "Just leave me alone." He shut his bedroom door loudly and you suddenly had the overwhelming urge to cry.

You sat in silence for a few moments, folded up on the couch with the television playing. Gojo was definitely not teasing, he seemed genuinely upset - something you hadn't really seen before. It was strange seeing someone who was so happy-go-lucky be so angry and sad. And for what?

"Gojo?" You had crept to the bedroom door, a soft knock to alert him of your presence. 
You stood for a few prolonged seconds with no response, so you knocked one more time. "Hey..."

He finally opened the door, just a crack to where you could see his baby blues. His brow was low and a tight frown from what you could see from just half of his face. 

"Yeah?" He asked, sounding a bit annoyed.

"Are you okay?" You asked, dropping the playful act that you had going on earlier that was clearly misread which turned into that short argument. "Can I come in? Shouldn't we talk?"

He sighed and allowed the door to open all the way, his demeanor softening. He stepped away from the door and allowed you to enter. You looked toward him with a worried expression.

"Y/N..." he muttered, eyes darting around your facial features.

"I want to know if we're good," you shrugged, "I didn't mean to be so...mean. We're still on the same page on everything, right? You still okay with keeping this up?"

Instead of answering, Gojo simply stared at you. You were about to speak up again when you felt a sudden change in the air around you. Your already strong beating heart moved to your throat.
Gojo wordlessly and rapidly closed the space between you, shoving your body against the door that shut as your body pressed against it with a loud thud. 
Your eyes were wide from the sudden, startling contact - Gojo's hands somehow expertly grabbing your wrists and holding them above your head. His lips meshed with yours, flesh smashing against flesh - his tongue quickly splaying past your teeth. 
You feverishly melted into the kiss, eyes sliding shut and your hands finding his shirt - gripping tight. All that could be heard in the room was both of your sharp, rapid breaths. 

Gojo let go of your wrists as soon as you melted into the kiss, his hands exploring your body as if he had never touched it before. Eventually, those hands came together at the collar of the old t-shirt you wore. Out of pure adrenaline and lust, he tore the shirt as if it were paper - the sounds of the torn fibers ringing through your ears and a cold draft coming across your chest.
With your chest now free, letting the tatters of your shirt fall from your shoulders, Gojo's hungry hands cupped each breast, squeezing, as he used his pelvis to keep you against the wall. Your own hands had come up and into his hair, fingers curling around the white strands until they were completely disheveled. 

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